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Lesley’s Technological Index Mathematics
Here, I will develop a Lesleyist index for measuring technological development and public technological development.
I have been challenged by my best friend - myself - to prove or dismiss the statute that technology is being developed faster than some time ago. This is hard to disprove as we all see more and more news about electronics being renovated, new AIs generated and all science bursting forward as never before.
However, a darker image lies behind all of that. There might be an ever-accelerating technological development, but is there an ever-accelerating benefit to the people?
An average life has not approved much more in the last fifty years as it has in the fifty years before that. And repeat.
What is the problem? Why do our lives increase linearly and not faster?
The answer lies in capitalism. Imperialism - constant reinvestment of capital - must take up all spare revenue. This means that all overproduction of invention is not recycled into bettering people’s lives, but is just consumed by the markets - sometimes outcompeted, other times inaccessible to the masses.
We see that there is some initial development a human being can create in nature from nothing synthetic, with no help or suggestions. Let me call that value C. Then, there is the value of how much new ideas there are. Given that those ideas stack up with each time, let me call the value of ideas B and the time that has passed X. Lastly, there is the amount of mass production of creations from ideas. Here, each time an idea is brought forth, it can overlap all ideas of current time with already achieved time, resulting in squaring of time. I will call the amount of mass production of creations from ideas A, and the time is still X. However, as we saw, the current time multiplies with the time so far, thereby squaring itself (as each modern idea is cross-checked with each old idea).
Thereby, the production of new technologies follows the formula of A*X²+B*X+C. That is, the production of new technologies is a quadratic equation.
Let’s now recap the formula.
C means the initial development a human could have done with no pre-required knowledge or machinery, the base value of technology.
B*X means the ideas created where competition did not affect the inventors enough to halt the idea, times how much time has passed. This means that each day, B*X technology succeeded, where X is a day.
A*X² is the ideas which were financed to be crosschecked with every system of present, and then each combination with the time that has passed. Given the reduction of past times, past inventions do not stack up. To ensure the biggest coverage of ideas, as many modern ideas must be included in the search as the old ideas, as a rectangle with equal sides has a bigger surface than a rectangle with unequal sides.
Imperialists’ (non-public, industrial) progress is a square equation. It moves as “a*t²+b*t+c”, where t is time, a is imperialist research (re-investing), b is progressive research and c is the base value.
In imperialism, a*t² is taken away from the masses for reinvesting and a luxurious living of the chosen few. Thereby, the people’s (public, materialistic) progress is a linear equation of “b*t+c”, where t is time, b is progressive research and c is the base value.
Thereby, as long as there is capitalism, people’s technology is not accelerating. It is linearly succeeding. However, if all market relations were abolished, technology would progress at a square speed and would accelerate absurdly.
How the “a*t²” is taken away can be clearly seen by the existence of patents, privatisation of science etc.
Now let us define some basic units to standardize the tool, as for imperialist systems.
Time is to be measured in years.
A is to be measured in the amount of money 10 biggest banks control in a society, relative to the world economy. This value is now above 3, as 9 biggest banks control over 228 thousand billion dollars.
B is to be measured in the percentage of researching done by researchers from independent organizations or independent researchers, divided by 100. Currently, this percentage is below 40 percent, as universities and governments fund only a little above 30% of research according to OECD. It must be noted that private funding has a big impact on universities, especially the universities’ fundings. Governments, on the other hand, develop a lot of its projects for the private production and the army. Thereby, even the governments and the universities aren’t pure. It is estimated that around 31% of research does not have ties between the researchers personally and the initial source of funding, and with only 84.5 percent of work being unidsturbed by the initial financier. By Taking 84.5% of 31% we arrive at 26.2% of the work being public.
Thereby, the value B is currently around 0.26.
Value C is measured with how much of the population would be willing to live in a position with no technological development ever happening, thus with only the first-generation base of technology (primitive tools). This percentage is really low, Even according to YouGov, who would be willing to present opposite statistics just to cripple my document, only 8% of people think science is not a force of good in the world; thus, the value C is currently at 0.08.
Time is measured in years. It starts from the year 1848, when imperialism overtook the governmental power.
Thereby, let us calculate the current Lesley’s Imperialist Technology Index (LIT).
A*x²+B*x+C = LIT
3*172²+0.26*172+0.08 = LIT
3*29584+0.26*172+0.08 = LIT
88752+44.27+0.08 = LIT
88796.8 = LIT.
Now, let us calculate the current Lesley’s Public Technology Index (LPT).
B*x+C = LPT
0.26*172+0.08 = LPT
44.27+0.08 = LPT
44.35 = LPT.
As you can see, with time, the imperialistic system guarantees that an unbelievable amount of progress was wasted. By subtracting LPT from LIT, we can get the wasted amount, which always equals A*x² (that is because a*x²+b*x+c-(b*x+c) is always a*x²).
Thus, the wasted amount is 88752, which is the Lesley’s Wasted Technology Index (LWT).
We can calculate the percentage of technological development which was actualized and not destroyed by imperialism by figuring out the percentage of LIT that is LPT. We get this by calculating LIT:LPT*100. That is 0.04994% (Lesley’s Actualized Technological Index - LAT). This means that, because of the imperialist system of research, we have curbed at least 99.95% of technological progress by limiting the public access to technology, by investing in competition, by installing the patent system, and by influencing research with monetary means.
To recap, LIT is the socially available research which could be actualized and provide technology.
LPT is the amount of actualized research.
LWT is the amount of research that was not actualized.
LAT is the percentage of success to actualize development.
The graph presents how quicker research would accelerate, was it not for imperialism. Units on the vertical axis are LIT/lPT. Units on the horizontal axis are years. We are currently at the year of 172 and would be at least 2002 times more progressive than we are now, were it not for imperialism (88796.8/44.35 = 2002.1826).
Lesley Zore