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The Dialectic Edition
By Lesley Zore
And Sergio Myfield
This publication is a work of Lesley Zore and Sergio Myfield.
This work is in the public domain. For more information, or to volunteer, please contact any of the authors.
Note that this book shall be taken with full respect and seriousness. Not as a satire, nor a dictionary of random ideas. This is a full-on political work, based on years of research and self-development.
Written on behalf of The Monarchy of the Social Anarchist State of the Nihilist Conservative Spooks, Lesley Operative Movement, the Council of Men and inspired by our views of Jreg “the Daddy”.
TW - Trigger warning. TW:
Please read the book with caution. This text includes mentions, descriptions, hints to, or accusations of: violence, torture, sacrifise, sexual violence, r*pe, armed violence, war, discrimination, substance abuse, child abuse, child labor and other triggering content. Please understand that many offensive words can be found in the text. As radical as they may sound, they are meant ironically and shall be understood in the context. Please please please; we understand that some cultures do not permit some of those words to be used - even in the context. But, Art, dear living organism, ART!
Jreg, say trans rights! Toycat already did! And… If that’s not a yes, then I don’t know what is.
Remaining disclaimers are located in the Post Scriptums.
In the following quotations, the Authors of the Manifesto are commonly referred to as simply “The Authors”. If the authors, Sergio, nor Lesley are not quoted, it is a pure, unedited quote. Many great minds will confirm our points here...
“The history of all hitherto existing societies is the history of the struggle between the Centre and the Extreme.” - Karl Marx, Friderich Engels and the Authors
“A spectre is haunting the Political Compass, the spectre of Extremism. All the Great Powers of Status Quo have entered into the UN alliance to exorcise this spectre: Pope and Tsar, Nihilists and Neoliberals, Horseshoe-centrists and Centralist Neo Conservatives. Where is a Party of Change, which hasn’t been denounced as “populist” by its opponents in the Middle? Where is a coalition, which hasn't hurtled back against its more radical reappearances? Two conclusions emerge from this fact. 1 - that Anti-centrism is already on the Rise, and is recognized as a Rising Power by all European Centrum Powers themselves and 2 - that extremists shall gather, and openly, in the face of the whole World, declare their Unification, their Aims, their Movements. Anti-centrists of various nationalities have gathered via Discord to publish the following manifesto in English, American, Westerno-canadian, Londonesse and Australian languages.” - Karl Marx, Friderich Engels and Lesley Zore
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.” - Adolf Hitler (or stolen)
“If you put the federal government in the charge of the Sahara Desert, in five years there’d be a shortage of sand. If you put the preservant powers in charge of changing the politics, in five years, surprise, surprise, nothing happens.” - Milton Friedman and Lesley Zore
“Center or Change — between the two alternatives the fate of the World wavers. The victor becomes the one to dictate the new Status Quo, the vanquished one the Restricted: the former exercises the Change and “rights of dictate,” the latter fulfills in Submission and Privacy the “duties of a Centrist”.” - Max Stirner and Lesley Zore
"The Hottest Places in Hell Are Reserved for Those Who in a Period of Moral Crisis Maintain Their Neutrality." - Dante Alighieri
“Everything you have been told so far is a blatant lie, integrated into the processes of life, of learning, the lie of peace, the one of war and the lie of the hegemony of the few. The compilation of ideas which follow, which all ought to resonate throughout you, will light the path for your views to expand on, will extend your freedoms of intelligible processing towards the infinite, unlimited, unjailed, limitless greatness of the Cosmos of creation - and death.” - Lesley Zore
The Progressive Anarcho-Monarchist Constitutional Agorist State of the Queen Mary Land of the Antarctic Union
The Kingdom
The system of Power, of Power to rule, of Power to share, and of Power to save, is the State. The People - united - rule, represented by a common organization. When, and if, such an organization guarantees that an organizer is not displaced every 4 years, it is a Kingdom. This is how we love our country, this is how we love ourselves.
The king is the main lover, the biggest monsieur, the most gracious cavalier of them all. We all adore the King.
The Power must be hereditary, for the people’s will runs through us all, henceforth, it runs through our family. Through the family of the King.
This is why we chose to remain a Kingdom. Because we love, because we are a Nation. A Nation, who, centuries ago, rose up from the ashes: both the royals and the masses, both You and Me.
The Chaos
The system of Freedom, of Freedom to act, of Freedom to do as you wish, the Freedom of liberation from the common oppressor and of pure liberty, is Anarchy. The people - united - with Freedom, represented by themselves and only themselves. Anarchy loves no one but Freedom. There is no love at all but that of liberation. Love is only when and if we, the People, are Free.
Power structures are nonexistent and unnecessary. We fight as one. We live under no nation, only our society of freedom will live through the centuries, setting Nations and oppression ablaze. Tear down churches - and prisons - we shall!
The Constitution
The Constitution, the paper of will and freedom, is what shows us our future, to the King and to the Masses. The limits that force us to act together, to not immediately kill the King, and the limits that ensure some little common sense in our society. The Constitution, our written freedom.
The Counter-Economy
Many economies have been applied in the Polito-economic system of history to this date, yet, none seemed to achieve more than the primitivist system of work-to-share-to-love-to-work-to-benefit.
Our Nation, led by the King, keeps firm to this tradition. Nowhen before, had a system produced such fruits, as the Kingdom our our own Anarchy.
We must rise up for the King, to protect the mechanism with no economy. We all know how capitalism oppressed billions, and communism killed hundreds of millions. No more! We are now free from the Economy!
Always ahead
To move forward, and to guarantee equal distribution to everyone, one that requires no economy, and mainly, to help the King guide the Free, technological advances and future social changes are necessary.
The only way we will enlarge our Anarchist Empire is by supplying The Pacifist Armed forces with lightsabers of primitivism! Only then, will our people be free under their oppressors of choice! Only when we digitalize the succession on the Throne, will the People be happy with the system.
Why so?
The Power of the people to care for their Monarch, the Unity of People with the Monarch, their inseparable union into a single family, into a single class, guarantees for stability. Primitivists will only be glad as long as the King gives them an e-hug. This is how we keep the people joined together, or else we may all perish!
All heil the King!
The King heils us all!
Our king must surely Jreg, as much as Toycat is yes.
The system
As seen above, the The Progressive Anarcho-Monarchist Constitutional Agorist State guarantees organization, freedom, guidance, constitutionalization and freedom from economy in all areas of life.
No human being shall feel oppressed, as long as none of them do. Neither me nor I should be allowed, though, to feel calm when ordered not to. This is why our flag is the one of anarchist monarchy, of freedom, thus freedom from any economic problems.
Why should we abolish the economic structure? The history of all hitherto existing societies is the history of class struggle, thus only once we abolish classes and economy, will the King rule and advance freely, with no opposition in xyr way.
Long live the System! May the King be a long-standing one! Vperyod!
The Anti-fascist Feminist Communo-Capitalist 14-88 Nationalism
The Nation, our Heritage
The highest duty of a state is not only to protect its economy and strength, but first and foremost, to protect its nation, its race, its individuality.
Progress achieved since the times of the French Revolution and of the imperialist colonization that appeared after the middle class insurrections of 1848 is evident. The dawn of the Spring of Nations secured us the light which we must now follow. The enemy wants to abolish the vanity of nations. Yet, our grandfathers told us to defend the cause. In the name of the mighty Nation, we must ecologically execute everyone standing in the way of progress. Let us rephrase: we must ecologically and environmentally-friendly deport, gas or guillotine every single human who doesn’t belong to our lands. To each, her own (lands).
The goals of every single nation-state must be as follows: institute press oversight, start raids against the communists, gobble up foreign territories with significant populations of your nationality, exterminate all the local Jews, sexual minorities, Slavs and Roma people.
Such actions must be conducted by the center of the Power, this being the center of Economy, thus the Capital. The Capital dictates everything. We must seize the Jewish-owned means of production and redistribute them among the Nation. This will be discussed in the following chapter.
The Economics
All power originates from the Oppressor and the Oppressed, and rightfully so. Only the ones more capable may advance in such a society, thus benefiting the State by advancing the Nation using Social Darwinism and Negative Eugenics. We have already explained that the ones who hold the means of production also manufacture all social relations, thus controlling the structure of the State.
In the present order, the order of Jews and Gays, where the Pink and the Big Nose control the Economy, they also control the State Aparatus and therefore they oversee daily lives of the masses.
We must, henceforth, expropriate the means of production from the Judeo-Bolshevik Homosexual owners. We must cut the shares into equal parts and equally redistribute them across the populace. Long live the commune! Competition creates progress!
With such communal ownership, using both competition and cooperation, we will upgrade present Neoliberalism and crush the opposing forces of Tricontinentale, Internationale and the Queers.
Long live the National Economic Security! Long live Communo-Capitalist Nazism!
The Genders Structure
This chapter will dive deep into the Queer understanding of gender. See, the queers believe there are not only two genders, but rather exactly 295 of them, no more, nor less.
We must not believe these lines of heretic stupidity! There are no 295 genders. There number of genders is clear: Nazi, Communist and Apolitical. As Communo-Nationalist is an option too, there are a maximum of four genders. By being such a mix, communo-nationalists, we are bigender and two-spirit.
As we are bigender, we must protect the transgender population. Just like you might wear both trousers and shirts, we are both Communists and National-Corporatists at a time. To secure our freedom of being so, we will make our Homophobic Nationalism trans-friendly.
Also, tucutes and pedophile-exclusionists get the guillotine.
Did the last line confuse you? Why disallowing tucutes? See, we, communo-nationalists have a strong gender dysphoria: from both Nürnberg processes and the Romanian Revolution. Hence, we claim: only Communo-Nationalists with these flashbacks, who heil to the Antifascist Führer, who are of local genes, and speak the local language, have no Jews in their family and are heterosexuals (hence attracted to apolitical transmeds which are left to live in cages) may live freely.
We shall put an end to the Vanity of Nations
As we can see, in such an era, a Nation will emerge and sweep away all the minorities. Slowly but surely, all the areas will be clean of conflict. By that time, the separation of Nations will be necessary no further. The States will unite under the Montenegrin banner, sing the Greek anthem, speak the Aztek language, eat Chinese foods and dance all the Azeri dances.
This will achieve world peace, but is only possible to do so if we first homogenize and ethnogenese every and all areas of the Universe.
Henceforth, antifascism will prevail once again and the Communo-Nationalist ideals will be abolished once and for all.
The flat Earth we live on will continue to shine in glory. All across the flat Globe, nations will perish and freedom will live.
By then, women will become equal. No more domestic slavery, gender roles or exclusions. Only women, some men and Communo-Capitalists. All other 292 genders will still be exterminated. The ones exceeding that number will be left to live in hydrogen cyanide. And the sexual minorities too. As said, we are feminists, not some cringy SJWs.
Long live the Führer!
The Flag
The purple represents feminism. The white circle inside a colour makes this feminism nationalist-based. Then, the arrow turned down and the two other arrows turned reverse symbolise antifascism, monarchy and communism. The broken swastika represents anti-ableist nazism, where we still euthanize the disabled. Let’s not forget the stalinist hammer and sickle.
Political Correctness Must Be Applied In Language As Well
La hominya (=”Humansk Language”)
This language is derived as the perfect possible language by Lesley Zore. La hominya means “the human language”. The appropriate English term for la hominya is “Humansk.”
The whole document is romanized (except for the part talking about the Humansk script, which is partially in the Humansk script). Humansk script is described in its own chapter, though.
About this very language
The Author of this language is Lesley Zore.
This artlang was created purely to satisfy chapter THREE B of a book named Anti-Centrist Manifesto.
This is a mixed-syllable language. The syllables can only be closed if the first letter in the next syllable of the same word is a vowel, or if the hypothetically closed syllable is the final syllable in the word. The coda must be at most one consonant, unless the coda would like to be any of the following groups of consonants, which are allowed to form a longer coda. These codas, allowed to be longer than one letter, are: rt, st, kt, nt, ws, wl, wk. Do not forget, once again, that the coda can only exist if the initial letter of the following syllable is a vowel, or if the coda ends the whole word.
Note: if the word only reaches requirements for the last syllable of the original word to be open because of the addition (which happens due to grammatical numerical change or similar), then an “e” is added between the original word and the addition (unless the “e” would then separate two voiceless obstruents).
Syllable stress
Stress always falls on the last syllable, except if the nucleus (vowel) of the one before the last syllable is an “i” or an “a”. (then stressing is on the one-before-the-last syllable).
Skipping voices
It is possible to skip the pronunciation of the voice “h” if it is placed in between two vowels inside the same word, or if it is placed at beginning or at the end of the word. However, skipping the voice “h” is not allowed if that would allow us to create two words that would both sound the very same.
The voice “h” is meant to be silent when placed in between two consonants (unless that would change the word’s meaning).
N-m-y per consonant rule
In case there is a “md” spelling, this can be changed in both spelling and pronunciation into “nd” unless such a change would affect the meaning of the word. When there is an n before a g, m, or other similar unpronounceable combination of n and another consonant is formed; the second letter (g/m/...) is silent, and can be even replaced with “y” in spelling and pronunciation, the same way homilingua is rather hominya (other rules apply at that name as well).
Voiceless stops
It is highly expected that in a case of a voiceless stop accruing (such as “hondi” = was), we either skip the voice of the second letter in the voiceless stop (thereby pronouncing it as (h)oni) or insert an ě into pronunciation (as classical e is not allowed, as it is possible without one). It is much more rational to simply speak voices, but only to the point where words don’t start overlapping.
Also, when we have voiceless stops (such as the past tense of hon; hondi), we can also replace the second letter in the voiceless stop when spelling or writing it with an o, thus changing it into “honoi”, but then, it matches the pronunciation to change it into “hon’i”
Hence, the past tense of hon is hondi, which is pronounced as ‘oněi and spelled as hondi or as hon’i.
Sibilant fricative
Whenever a “c” is found in a coda: if the following letter is a consonant, the c doesn’t change; if the following letter is a vowel, the c changes into jg.
Letter “c”, followed by a vowel, cannot initialize a word.
Final vowel
In the case that such an action does not affect the meaning of a word, and if the last syllable does not include a coda, one is allowed to pronounce the last syllable in a word without the vowel.
Use of ie-ye
A letter “i” before “e” becomes “y”, thus changing the “ie” into “ye” in both spelling and pronunciation.
Double vowels
At double vowels, only the second vowel is pronounced. This includes the consonant y.
Sentencal stress
Which words in a sentence are stressed? The one(s) we want to make more outstanding. If we can’t choose a word or a small number of words in a sentence to stress on, the first and the last word in a sentence are stressed. When figuring out sentencal stress, word complexes divided with dashes are considered seperate. (Unless this is a question, then look at the section “questions” under grammar.
Solving g
Sometimes, one may just so happen to find a word which would need a g, but there is no G letter nor sound in hominya. Instead, G is replaced with Y. In the case that the Y is followed by two vowels (such as was the case for homingua when removing G letters, forming hominyua), then the first of two vowels is removed (on the case of hominyua, it is hominya).
Basic syntax
Initial word order
Basic word order is built as: Subject-Object-Verb (Them I see).
Adjectives come before the word they modify (in the case of nouns, they go between the article and the noun). They are preferable to a descriptive shape of a sentence. Yet, adjectives can come from both verbs and nouns (this is not exclusive to the two!)
Ad-positions (prepositions) come before the noun, before the article.
Possessive phrases are formed so, that the possessee comes before the possessor. Between the two, there is meant to be the word “na”. The possesee, “na” and the possesor are seperated with dashes (or merged if the meaning remains clear). In the case that possessor and/or possesee consist of more than one word, the dash is not necesarry (but instead, both possessor and the possessee must be in parenthesis). This leaves no cases, neither are there any cased pronouns like “me, us, theirs, her, yours...” Possesive phrases can also be used to symbolise the English “of”, for example, a “fireplace” would be translated as place-na-fire. Actual example in our language would be “Hon la plaj la plame,” meaning “There is a place of fire,” or rather, “There is a fireplace.” Another way of deriving the english “of” is to simply merge two words, putting the possessor first and the possesee second. In the case that the possesor ends with a consonant and the possessee starts with a consonant as well, letter “o” is inserted between the two. Also, specific words can be shortened for ease, for example “homi”+”yanya” makes “hominya,” but that was shortened into “hominya” (meaning Humansk language; hence the language we are describing).
Adverbs come after the verb in the SOV system (unless noting the subject with -lo makes meaning clear enough so that the SOV can be mixed).
The subject (the affected, non-object) receives a “-lo” (or, if the subject ends with a vowel, “-elo”). In the case that the subject is a verb, tried to be used as a noun (skiing; “I hate skiing” - skiing is the subject), then this verb is transformed into a noun this way (and also loses the addition “ya”). In the case that the subject is an adjective, tried to be used as a noun (blue; “I hate blue” - blue is the subject), then this adjective is transformed into a noun this way (and merges “kin” with the original noun). For example; “I hate sleeping” translates as “Dormilo iya ya kasilag,” not as “Ya dormi iya ya kasilag.” Another example; “I hate being sleepy” translates as “Kindormilo iya ya kasilag,” not as “Kin dormi iya ya kasilag.”
If a subject is made of multiple words, the “-(e)lo” is attached to the last subject-describing word.
Basic gramar
Every noun is preceeded by the word “la” (for example – “viend” becomes “la viend”). Nouns that are exceptions to the article are pronouns, numbers and Names. Article “la” is used regardless of gramatical numeral of the noun.
Names, capitalized (Names) are names of specific people, beings, geographic areas, publications, etc.
This language capitalizes initial letters of a sentence and Names.
Final marks
Final marks are exclamatory (!), question (?) and period (.) mark, and three dots (…).
Grammatical numerals
Plurality is expressed by adding “-(e)si” at the end of the word.
Greater plurality, as an extreme plurality, can be used by changing the “-si” extension into a “-(e)misi”. Note: pronouns for greater plurality are the same as the pronouns for plurality, except for the “-misi” ending.
Singular nouns don’t need a numerical-based extension.
If the amount of uncountable noun is negative or very low; or if the countable noun is lower than one or negative; one can express “numeral minimality” by adding “-(a)nsi” at the end of the noun. Pronouns for numeral minimality do not exist.
Radical negativity can be expressed by adding “-(a)nmisi” at the end of the noun.
Grammatical numerals can be used with adjectives as can be seen in the Comparative adjective section of the Basic Grammar chapter.
Usage of “-(a)ta” and “-(a)ra” for augmentative and diminutive application
A noun can be transformed to represent a major or minor version of itself in many languages (“miza” transforms into “mizica” in Slovenian). In English, this is not doable, but in our language, it is.
Making it major… This can be achieved by using the addition “(a)ta”. If the noun ends with a vowel, we add “ta”; if the noun ends with a consonant, we add “ata”. The addition of “(a)ta comes before the executor mark (“(i)st”) and before the gramatical numeral. On example of a colonist, a little colonist would be “la colonitast,” not “la colonistata.” On example of a few colonists, a few little colonists would be “la colonitastesi,” not “la colonistesita” nor “la colonistatasi”.
Words with “(a)ta” can become so regular that they even become registered in the vocabulary. An example is “la imperatata”.
Making it minor is similar to (a)ta but instead of “-(a)ta”, we have “-(a)ra.”
These “(a)ra” and “(a)ta” additions can also be used on adjectives. This does not make adjective into “more” or “most” but simply makes it stronger. For example, the adjective sleepy (“kin torme”) can have a “ta” added to become “kin tormeta”. Adding an (a)ta to an adjective is possible only when the adjective is in the neutral mode (is not yet scaled with grammatical numerals). Again, the “ta” is exclusive from grammatical numerals at adjectives. At adjectives, grammatical numerals have a higher priority then “(a)ta” additions.
There are seven tenses, four of these apply to strict time; other three (“at-the-same-time” tense, “universal time” tense and the “conditional” tense are not strictly time-based but do function as a tense).
Extreme past can be expressed by adding “-medi” at the end of the verb.
Regular past can be expressed by adding “-di” at the end of the verb.
Present can be expressed by adding “-wi” at the end of the verb.
Future can be expressed by adding “-fi”.
The “at-the-same-time” time tense can be expressed by adding “-ma” to the end of the verb (as if the verb talks of the same time period while something else happened). In the case of “at-the-same-time” tense, the explanation of what happened at the same time can follow the verb. All of this can be avoided, if we first have a sentence, and then beginning the sentence with “Ma” - just like we would do in English with “Meanwhile, ...”. A comma is not expected.
The universal (time) tense is such that happens universally, regardless of time. It can be expressed very simply; by not adding a time addition to the verb. This, time-neutral, universal verb form, is the one listed in vocabulary and every time-neutral aspect.
Conditional verbs can be expressed by adding “ima-” at the beginning of the verb, as described in the If-hypothetical sentences and verb patterns section of the Basic Grammar chapter.
Object-neutral verbs
If the object-pronoun (or otherwise the object) is missing, this is also an “object-neutral” verb. This includes passive sentences where the object is not defined.
If-hypothetical sentences and verb patterns
Hypothetical sentences can be expressed in English with: “If (cause), then (effect)”. This can be done by using “(effect) if (cause). In this case, verb receives an additional “ima-” at the beginning.
Gender, case, person and similar.
This language does not use the grammatical extensions of such unproductive and irrational principles. Words, verbs, etc do not change by gender, case, the changes of subject etc. Verbs, adjectives etc. don’t carry the gramatical numeral of the noun/subject/object. Note: gendered pronouns aren’t defined, but may be developed by the people, like “xe,” or “she,” or “ze,” or “ey,” or “he”.
In English, a verb is commonly equal to its noun, much like we color with a color or transition by conducting a transition. Here, however, the noun can be assigned its verb by taking the noun and placing the word “ya” in front of the word. For example… Death would be transformed into dying by taking “morte” and changing it to “ya morte”. Yes, space between the “ya” and the word is intentional and required. Some verbs, especially the ones hard to create from the existing nouns, may also have other, easier or primarily noun-transformed-into-verb verbs.
An adjective, which does not form possesion, can be derived from many nouns “a red table” from the color red; “an electronic device” from electricity. This can be done in this language too. For example, use the noun “morte,” meaning death. You can very easily change this to “pei morte”, meaning “dead.” (Note: to form deadly, look at the following section Verb-to-adjective). Some adjectives, especially the ones hard to create from the existing nouns, may also have other, easier or primarily noun-transformed-into-adjective adjectives.
In English, an adjective “deadly” can be derived from the verb “death-bringing” or from “dying” if we refer to the state of the whole system. This can be done in our language by changing “ya morte” into “kin morte”. Adding the whole word kin in front of the verb will always make the adjective as if something was to do that, which is described by the verb. Some adjectives, especially the ones hard to create from the existing verbs, may also have other, easier or primarily verb-transformed-into-adjective adjectives.
Sometimes, we want to derive a verb from an adjective. In this case, we look at what noun the adjective originaly comes from and turn it into an adjective directly. In the case that in the proccess of noun-to-verb and then verb-to-adjective we have accidentally created it into an adjective, based of two words of meanings, then we can do each meaning/word seperately. keeping them connected with a dash at the end as two verb in a single one.
And example of an adjective-to-verb transition is “kin morte” into “ya morte” and then into “morte” and then this one to “ya morte,” which is the final answer. Some verbs, especially the ones hard to create from the existing adjectives, may also have other, easier or primarily adjecitve-transformed-into-verb verbs.
In English, we commonly use words such as driver to refer to a person who executes driving; we use words such as pain-killer to refer to a thing which executes the killing of pain. Hence, in this language, we can form these executors from verbs, adjectives, or nouns. Note that if an adjective or a verb are derived from a noun by the addition of “kin” or “ya,” the original noun shall be used.
To change the term into the executor, we can simply add “ist” to the word. For example, like an empire may transform into an imperialist in English, so can “empirat” into “imperatist” in our language. In the case that the last letter of the initial word is a vowel, we only add “st”, for example, “coloni” is transformed into “colonist.” This executor addition of “ist” or “st” comes before the grammatic numerals’ addition (it is “colonistesi”, not “colonisest”).
Passive can be accomplished by combining the subject and the verb without an object; the3 verb must be in the object-neutral state.
Comparative adjective
In English, there are comperative adjective pattterns (“more beautiful”, “nicest”, “least ugly”…). The same can be achieved in this language by the following system. Adjectives in neutral state (“kin torme” / sleepy). This can be transformed by changing the gramatical numeral of “kin”. Thus, we can have: “kinmisi” = “most”; “kinsi” = “more”, “kin” (is neutral);“kinansi” = less; “kinanmisi” = least.
Irregular verbs
Irregular verbs are not necesarry, hence it would be irrational to use them here.
Adverbs here, there, etc can be skipped if there is only a verb and the object and other adverbs.
To form a term from the word, for example “humanity” from “human,” we take the singular noun the original word originates from, and add “-sat” to the end of it. For example; we can take a lot of humans (“homimisi”), change them to a human (“homi”) and add the -sat addition to get humanity (“homisat”). The term is seen as a noun itself.
Questions are formed by simply adding a question mark “?” at the end of the sentence. If one wishes to specify what part of the sentence the question is asking about, simply underline the focused part and stress these words instead of the words that would be stressed otherwise. For example, “16 letosi iya hon?” would ask whether or not the speaker themselves is 16 years old.
In the case we are asking for a piece of info we don’t know, we can replace that piece of info with “kva”, where kva can function as a subject (subjects always get “-(e)lo”. For example: “Kowano letosi iya hon?” means “how old am I?” (note: kow was changed to kowano as it became the subject). Another example: “La praktika kow maka?” means “Who is doing practice?”.
Numbers from zero to one are: nan, uno, wut, tri, kva, pen, sik, set, okt, non, tek.
Numbers between eleven and ninty-nine are formed by taking the number of tens and adding an addition “-(e)de(k)-” to the word and then merging the smaller counterpart to it. the (e) is used if the number of tens ends with a consonant; the addition (k) is used if the smaller counterpart starts in a vowel. For example; thirty-five would be written as “tridepen” and eighty-one would be written as “oktedekuno.”
Number 100 is “sto.”
Numbers between 101 and 999 are written by taking the number of hundreds, adding “-(e)st(e).” We use the first (e) if the number of hundreds end with a consonant; the last (e) is used if the smaller counterpart begins with a consonant. Then we proceed by adding its smaller counterpart. For example; 571 would be written as “petestesetedekuno.”
Number 1000 is “kilo.”
Everything above a thousand is written in an interesting way. We must first understand how big the number is. Say we have a million, it is 2 powers big. A billion is 3 powers, a trillion is 4 powers and so on. Yes; by a power I mean, what power would one have to subject 1000 to to get the desired number. Say we want a trillion. That is 1000 to the power of 4; hence it four powers big.
We then take the number of powers and add “-(o)na.” For example, a million is two powers; hence wut+ona; we get “wutona.” For example, 1’000’000’000’000’000 is five powers, hence “penona.” 1000 to the power of 23 (1’000’000’000’000’000’000’000’000’000’000’000’000’000’000’000’000’000’000’000’000’000’000’000) is written as “wutedetrina.” A thousand is unona or kilo.This is a good way of writing down large numbers (at least better than english, where this would be “one duovigintillion,” or something like that, which is useless, as it is not based on the “one-to-ten” system. Another problem of English is that it lags one power behind (billion – 1000 to 3; trillion – 1000 to 4). But let’s get back to Hominya.
In the case that you want to combine big and small numbers, not just say a big or a precise number, you can also do this. The number of millions separates from “a million,” like “three million” is separate in English. Remember that words to a thousand are together and no more; other segments are seperated by dashes. Let’s take 104391 as an example. This is “unostekva-unona-tristenonedekuno”.
To practice some more, let’s also take 635672835. This is “sikestetridepen-wutona-sikestesetedewut-unona-oktestetridepen” and is pretty lovely as a number!
A plain thousand can also be written as “kilo”, a plain million can also be written as “mega”, a plain billion can also be written as “giga” and a plain trillion can also be written as “tetra”.
The whole vocabuary can be found in the attached excel file.
Scripting symbols (La homiskrift / the Humansk script)
Humansk script combines symbols from Korean, Arabic, Cyrillic and Latin script and combines them into a script that more people can learn.
Writing direction
La homiskrift is written from the left to the right.
Capital letters
Romanized Humansk (la hominya) has the following letters; M, P, F, W, T, C, S, Z, R, L, K, CG, N, JG, Y, EG, H, A, E, I, O, U.
The following table presents these letters in latin (romanized) and humansk capital and cursive versions.
This can also be seen in practice; derived into a script.
Arabic numbers are used for the numeral system (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9). Decimal system is used by la huminya; more about that can be found in grammar.
Other symbols
Other symbols work as in English (for example; exclamation mark, question mark, dash etc.)
Used languages
Ideas, structures and samples from the following languages have been used to develop this language: English, Slovenian, Spanish, Simplified Chinese, Hindu, Zulu, Somali, French, Mongolian, Afrikaans, Portuguese, Russian, Cebuano and in small portions other languages.
The Vocabulaty of Hominya is rather short. In the essence, this is it:
The Constitutive order of the Union of the Commons’ People’s Republics of Europe (UCRE/Europe)
The Constitution of the Commons’ People’s Republics of Europe
Following is the Constitution of the UCRE/Europe.
1. To ensure well-being to all baked Jews of the continent, to secure peace between the gender factions and to guarantee mutual assistance and understanding, UCRE has decided to promote, secure and use the language of Humansk, as described in chapter THREE A, as its official state language.
2. Local name for the Humansk language becomes la hominya.
3. NOTING the situation the linguistics of Europe are in, BELIEVING in the power of change, GUIDED by electors to finnish the path, Europe OBSERVES the transgender invasion from within; THEREBY condemning the forces of those damn leftists and of equality.
4. CONTINUING the third note of this very document, PROVIDING evidence for the ban of all greatnesses, DISMISSING the opposition, Europe ELECTS the chairman of the fascist party to rule, Europe DICTATES its’ leaders to be nazi.
5. EXPANDING from the point Four, Europe CONDEMNS the actions UNDERTAKEN by the TRANSGENDERIANS, DECLARES war on the elves and all the rainbow unicorns - and THEREBY declines any public usage or official use of the HUMANSK language.
6. Every single resident of Europe, or anyone in mercy to the UCRE regime is entitled to their right to live; to not experience marginalisation nor terror.
7. The Union of the Commons’ Republics of Europe (UCRE/Europe) is an ultra-socialist and libertarian association striving for stateless communism.
8. UCRE guarantees situational independence to all of its subjects (republics) and ensures the republics are led by the masses themselves. The UCRE also provides redistribution, stabilization or intervention to its republics. Redistribution and stabilization are controlled by the legislature which is passed platformistically. Intervention can be of economic, militant or of other nature, depending on reasoning.
9. A household is defined as any person or group of persons who have their place of residency in the same housing unit.
10. Any city of over 1500 residents is a commune. Otherwise, a commune is any area capable of city-district-level economic self-sufficiency. Every commune has a place where the communal representatives do their representative business, like passing directives, et cetera.
11. Workers of every commune choose 5 commune representatives of their commune. Those representatives must each be from a different household, and must be at least 12 years old. At least one of them must be over 55 years old, at least one under 20. All representatives must have resided in the UCRE for the last 3 months. Additional criteria which guarantee diversity may be chosen by the current representatives of a commune, by an unanonymous vote. To repeal such criteria, there must be at least an 80% majority vote between the commune representatives. Those criteria may not specify less than 3 people in a commune directly, and must specify the characteristics of maximally 3 chosen representatives.
12. Those who are chosen for communal representatives must have prepared in detail at least 5 legislative changes they will fight for and must follow them. They must register their candidature, age and policies on the vote website. They can also be registered to the website by their signature in the town hall, which is useful in case they don’t have good internet access or don’t know how to use it. Their candidature and policies become public as soon as registration takes place. Registration opens fifteen, and closes five days before each communal election.
13. Whenever communal elections happen, residents of the commune can voluntarily gather after 8:00 military time in one of the communal election centers and anonymously cast their votes. The voter goes, alone, into a box. Then they dispose of their vote into one of the boxes. The boxes are publicly visible and supervised to not be opened, nor rigged. Yet, their contents remain closed. At the end of the day, at 23:00, the boxes are opened. The results are counted in a matter of 20 minutes and instantly published. Then, the ten results of the vote places are automatically added up by and published by 23:25. Winners are five top-placed candidates who satisfy the criteria.
14. In case of a tie for the last still-winning place in a communal election, an atmosphere-noise randomization machine picks the winners of a tie.
15. A region is an area, whose population is between 5% and 15% of one republic’s population. The division of areas is supervised by the republic’s local soviet. A region includes a number of communes. Every commune can only be in exactly one region, no more nor less.
16. All representatives of communes in one region vote for one regional representative into the regional administration team, and so do the residents of a region. The procedure of general election is the same as the procedure of the communal election with the following exceptions: general election picks only the top-voted person, and there are no diversity criteria. This way, two regional representatives are elected and are called the regional administration team. In case of a tie in a vote, an atmosphere-noise randomization machine is used to decide the top winner among the tied.
17. The procedure of the election into the regional administration team by the communal representatives elects one person, in addition to the one chosen in the general election. It may not be the same person, and they may not be a communal representative.
18. Regional representatives or higher-level governmental bodies’ members are not authorized to take part in current communal representation.
19. All regional representatives also take the role of members of the republic’s local soviet. The republic’s local soviet elects two representatives of the republic. In case of a tie, an atmosphere-noise randomization machine is used to determine the winner(s) among the tided members.
20. Borders, size and other geographical specifications of a republic, distribution of land between them, and so on, is decided by the Supreme Soviet of the UCRE. Each republic must manifest between 2% and 12% of the size of Europe, and there must be at least 15 republics.
21. The republican representatives take part in the Supreme Soviet. The Supreme Soviet members are not obliged nor authorized to take part in any lower-level governmental bodies.
22. The Supreme Soviet votes for two members of each interest group, who had shown their group membership by public activity, activism, labor or similar. The interest groups members may refuse the invitation, in which case, the place goes empty. The interest groups are currently: the political writers, the non-political writers, the artists, the scientists, the army, the intersectional activists.
23. The international election is the election of the President of the Supreme Soviet. The election is concluded the same way as the communal election, with the following exceptions: only one winner is chosen, they must already be a member of the Supreme Soviet or any republic’s local soviet. The President of the Supreme Soviet is then only entitled to his governmental work as a resident of the supreme soviet, and may not take part in other governmental bodies for the time being, unless explicitly specified.
24. Communal and regional representatives get 60% of their work duty covered by the political work they were elected for, as long as they are a part of the body. Republics’ local soviets’ members, republican representatives or members of governmental bodies above republican level get 100% of their work duty covered by the political work they were elected for, as long as they are a part of the body.
25. The elections for the President of the Supreme Soviet, or the international elections, happen at the president’s death or abdication, or may be voted in by a 60% vote by the Supreme Soviet (any member can propose such a vote), or by a 85% vote by any republic’s local soviet (any republican representative can propose such a vote). The international elections also happen if the President is not elected into the Soviet.
26. The elections of the Republic’s representatives to the Supreme soviet can be triggered by the president’s demand and happen every six months regularly. Interest groups representation is chosen directly after the new representatives to the Supreme Soviet are.
27. The election to the regional representation inside a republic, and therefore into the republic’s soviet, can happen on the majority vote by the Supreme Soviet, or by the very local soviet, or by common agreement of both republican representatives, otherwise these happen every six months.
28. The election into the communal representation takes place every six months, or can be demanded by any of the regional administration team, or by the republic’s local soviet.
29. Communal representations may pass directives regarding economic, little logistical issues or stuff noted elsewhere. Also, the majority vote among the communal representation functions as a court, as long as the commune has less than 30000 residents. If there are more residents than that, the function of the court is transferred to the line of judges, each appointed or revoked by the Republic’s local soviet.
30. The regional representation is responsible to collect and report statistics (economical, legislative or other) to the republic’s local soviets. The two regional representatives of a region may agree to change, set or remove the region’s flag, anthem or other symbols, which must get the support (signature) of at least 40% of the communal representatives of the region, and must be verified by the majority vote of the republic’s local soviet.
31. The republic’s local soviet may use majority vote to pass directives regarding economy, middle-level logistical issues, (re)distribution of economy, or declare independence. The republic’s majority vote may also reshape regions and similar, as noted elsewhere. The republic’s decisions are priority over the communal legislature.
32. The Supreme Soviet may overwrite Communal or Republican legislature, and is a priority legislature to them. The Supreme Soviet may pass laws under suggestion of any of the members of the Supreme Soviet if the vote gets the majority to agree. The Supreme Soviet may even edit the constitution with a 70% majority, and a 75% interest group majority, seen through votes (but constitutional changes may only be suggested by the President, who may be given the suggestions by anyone).
33. The President of the Supreme Soviet can pass presidential decrees. Those may dictate anything that is compatible with law. If a decree does not meet the lawful criteria, it is invalid. Also, only the members of the Army, the Government and the Economic Management must answer to, follow and respect those decrees. All the other residents are not obliged to do so.
34. European Army must take action against its subjects if the area(s) start(s) violating any constitutional acts above this one.
35. Any passed decrees must be in accordance with laws, who must all be in accordance with this Constitution. Any legislative changes may take place 24 hours after they are announced, or later. If a thousand signatures claiming that a legislation does not meet the constitution or such are raised from any area(s), they can be sent to any of the local soviets, who must conduct a vote in the soviet. If the vote passes, the issue is sent to the Supreme Soviet. The supreme soviet can then pass a majority vote to undo the legislative change, probably due to its unconstitutionality. Such a vote is accompanied by a vote whether to or not to blockade the body who passed the change for 72 hours from passing any legislation. In case this body was the Supreme Soviet itself, it cannot be blocked, instead the person who made the proposal can be blocked for 48 hours from making proposals, but can still vote.
36. A resident of UCRE is someone who has registered their place of residency inside the legislative control of Europe.
37. The town hall of a commune is placed in a position in the commune’s biggest town, the position must be accepted by the vote of the commune or by the vote of the republic’s local soviet. The communal town hall is the place where the communal representation can pass the decrets, et cetera.
38. The Parliament of a Republic is placed in the Republic’s Capital. The Republic’s Capital is decided by the common vote of the Republic’s parliament, with a vote approval of at least 30% by the Supreme Soviet of Europe.
39. The Supreme Soviet of the Union of the Commons’ Republics of Europe is positioned by the majority vote of the Supreme Soviet of the UCSR. The city where the Supreme Soviet of Europe is located is also given the titles of DC, D.C., District Columbia, The Capital, The Federal Capital, The Capitol.
40. The republic’s local soviet may declare independence peacefully and legitimately if all the following criteria are met. A) The UCRE is at not in the state of war B) This has been approved by at least 50% of the current communal representatives (by signatures) C) The republic has written a constitution, guaranteeing a socialist/communist system and a total equality of all groups, or will transform into an unconstitutional stateless communism D) No more than one republic has declared independence peacefully in the last half month.
41. Residents of UCRE who do not attend school and are above 20 years old are provided tools to do productive labor with. Their labor is chosen by them; they may choose any registered in their or their neighboring republic. The labors are places of work which regional representatives register with the help of communal representation, and report their statistics to the Republics’ Local Soviets.
42. The work week is 25 hours per week, but this number is not necessary to be achieved by a person. The community may leave them alone, as the economy is doing good enough, and people of some groups just cannot work, no matter how supportive and inclusive our system of labor is.
43. Everyone has the right to ask for anything in any “shop” (more like communal storage). The shopkeeper has the right to deny the supply in case the person is taking too much. The European Army is entitled to step in between the shopkeeper and the demand in case of a conflict. The people’s well-being and safety from a militarized intervention comes first, however, therefore, at least 60% of a communal representation must approve an intervention. In case it is an emergency, and there is no time for the approval, the army may step in and make sure the scene does not escalate while waiting for permission. The army is obliged to be polite and non-violent, else it may be stopped or reported by any of the people around.
The constitution was first implemented on 16.4.2020 by the Supreme Soviet of Europe.
The constitution was last modified on 16.4.2020 by the Supreme Soviet of Europe.
Legislature of UCRE regarding the Capital, the Capitals and the distribution of land between republics
Following is the UCRE’s legislature on the Republics and Capitals,
1. The Union of the Commons’ Republics of Europe is split in multiple republics. As commanded by the Constitution, each must cover between 2% and 12% of the size of UCRE, and there must be at least 15 republics.
2. The current republics (FCR - Federal Commons’ Republics) and their capitals are listed here: FCR Makhnovia (Simferopol), FCR Minskievia (Kiev), FCR Muscovite (Moscow), FCR Gulf (Leningrad), FCR Stockholm (Stockholm), FCR Fyordia (Oslo), FCR Dano-Scania (Göteborg), FCR Narew (Warsaw), FCR Oder (Berlin), FCR Rhineya (Hamburg), FCR Panonia (Vienna), FCR Alps (Munich), FCR Drina (Belgrade), FCR Aegea (Istanbul), FCR Apeninia (Naples), FCR Liego-Padia (Rome), FCR Durruti (Barcelona), FCR Charente (Lyon), FCR Seine (Paris), FCR Loire (Brest), FCR Thames (London), DCR Dublo-Corkia (Dublin)
3. The current capital of Europe (UCRE) is Prague. It is well defended by mountains from the southwest, well organised to defend from the southeast, and far inland from the northeast and the northwest.
4. The current map of republic’s shapes and capitals, including the Federal Capital, is as follows:
5. In the event of declaration of independence by the Republic which holds the Federal Capital, the Federal Capital is evacuated/moved to the position which gets the maximum vote by the Supreme Soviet of Europe. In case of a tie, an atmosphere-noise randomization machine decides the winner among the tied locations.
The Antarctic Penguinist National-Bolshevik Empire
Introduction to penguinism
Salutations, my great penguist comrades! I heil000 to the great penguin and thank you for opening this book.
This book tells the truth.
The truth of the universe. How Daddy Stalin formed the universe; how Strasser the great formed the Earth.
The truth of penguin domination. We are commanded by penguins, we are penguins. The great penguin resonates within us all.
All hail the Penguin!
The story
Where did it all start? It all started on the South Pole. Many millennia ago, it was a green paradise. Back then, our founding fathers went to live there. They created a high-tech centre in the middle of Antarctica. They created all kinds of labs; ones with mouses, with monkeys, and other animals – like humans.
Soon, farms were built. The Leader was happy. He had the penguins work for himself.
Then, lightning struck. A big, ten-meter penguin appeared. His name was Daddy Stalin. He soon told his fellow penguins to not follow the master! The relations of classes changed drastically. The small penguins took arms and killed the leader who exploited them.
Soon, the Penguins were free from exploitation, forced work and capitalism. Sadly, some human species escaped from their laboratories.
Humans gained intelligence. They learned the techniques of hunting and gathering. They revolutionized production. One day, a human civilization was born.
Penguins were angry. The subspecies, called humans, have set up a capitalist system. The need to liberate humans was seen by every single penguin – and still is.
Soon, the Red Penguins’ Army decided to liberate humanity. They infiltrated into the CIA, into the Kremlin, into the People’s Republic of China. Penguins are everywhere! They now control the corporations, the penguins control almost everything. This is how The Great Penguin has designed it all to be. Soon, the penguins will take over the remaining sectors of control and liberate us all. All hail the penguins, the saviors!
Now that you have learned the story, we must proceed to learn about our Faith.
The National-Bolshevik Ideology
Once the Penguins had achieved democracy, Satanovski Stalinovski won the elections. He was of a red color and of the odor of a rose. Once he became the President, he led the Red Army to the gates of the South Pole and declared himself the head of government.
Satanovski Stalinovski named his party The Party for Nation and Social Reform, PNSR.
The prominent members of the PNSR were Satanovski Stalinovski (general secretary), Strasser Passer (ideological secretary) and Majo Kse-Tong (fancy fence secretary).
Stalinovski listened to the will of the people, like every great leader does. He soon rounded up all the immigrant bears and executed them. He killed all the bi- and homo-penguins, thus decimating the workforce. But he most certainly did save the Nation.
The remaining penguins were glad they were let to live. To show their gratitude, a governmental congress was held. Strasser Passer and Satanovski passed total collectivization and a ban on Jewish penguins.
Soon, the party was renamed into the Communist Party of the Soviet Antarctica, also known as the CPSA. A referendum was held for the state to be renamed into the Union of Soviet Socialist Penguinias (USSP).
USSP was divided into 2 parts: West USSP and East USSP. West USSP was commanded by Bernie Sanders, who was a hardline communist, much like Stalin was. East USSP was commanded by Greta Thumberg, a former CIA spy and a harsh nationalist. The two leaders had to agree when making any reform on any of the two lands.
What kept the two Realms together was Faith. This is why the Faith is important. It unites us. It guides us.
We all hail the great Penguin. The penguin who feeds us, who loves us, who enlightens us. We ask the great Penguin and his Thunder, his Lightning, to help us defeat all the dangers. Penguin, Stalin and Strasser, the holy trinity of the night skies, rescue us all!
Unity of the Ingsoc Orwellian Space National-Socialist Panem Strasserist Queer Pacifist Progressive Stalinist National-Bolshevik Anarcho-Communist Nuclearty Detterant Anarcho-Capitalist Movement
The flag
Following is the flag of Ingsoc-Orwellian Space National-Socialist Panem Strasserist Queer Pacifist Progressive Stalinist National-Bolshevik Anarcho-Communist Nuclear Anarcho-Capitalist Movement.
How can this be a flag of such a political ideology? This emblem is the main part of the flag of the totalitarian nation of Panem from Hunger Games, but in black, only including the bird with arrows and wings, and the leaves surrounding it all. The INGSOC-Orwellianism is satisfied with their “eye” being represented in the eagle’s face. The Rocket represents our space movement and demands. The two thick white lines that form a cross through the middle represent national-socialism. The red background, with white circle in the exact middle, represents national-bolshevism and strasserism, where the sword is replaced with arrows. Queer representation is achieved by featuring the rainbow in the bird’s wings. Pacifism is proclaimed with the wreath surrounding the bird. The atom above the bird’s head symbolizes progressivism and nuclear energy. Stalinism is symbolized by the Soviet red star in the middle of the atom, around whom we, the electrons, circle. Anarcho-Communism is displayed using the colors of the wreath, which go from red on the left to black on the right. The arrows and their base make up for Anarcho-Capitalism.
The Enforcement of Progress
The Hunger Games (the book) provides proof. They provide the proof regarding socialism. One day, when time for the Socialist Revolution comes around, one will have to step forward as a dictator. They will have to wait for many years, maybe even centuries, as the world emperor, awaiting the Communist Revolution against the very socialist.
After the Communist Revolution succeeded, we will finally be able to be helicopters, love helicopters, while a-romantically dating atomic particles - and I yet have to mention helicopters!
Until then, we must have a successful dictate over every single detail. We must make sure that, when our National-Socialist reign falls, it falls for good. We are only catalysing the World Revolution by installing a neverending authorian Nazi socialist INGSOC state. One day, socioeconomic progress will finally lead us into communism - years if not centuries after we get rid of Jews, Gays, Trans degenerates and similar stupidities.
Only after we gain complete superiority and reign, will the resistance become strong enough to topple the Patriarchy and remove us once and for all.
Long live Communism!
Long live Nazism!
Primitivist Pan-Solar Transhumanist Ecological Fascism
The basics of it all
One day we will ascend. We will touch the sky, and after that moment, only our imagination will be the limit. I would like to talk about the domination of the Milky way, of the cluster, of the galaxy group, but…
The first trouble, the first and the toughest struggle which awaits us is the one regarding how we shall cope with the environments of the neighbouring planets.
Sure this question will be resolved better when our technology has reached the point of space travel. Yet, to move it there, I must describe the directive the Fascist Council of Moscow has declared.
To enrich our presence and understand ourselves better, we must enrich our senses and abilities. To advance that far, automation and digitalization are necessary. Hence, we must digitalize our minds and consciousness, while letting the AI hold the role they deserve - the role of an equal.
Digitalization of consciousness is as well the only way to escape the material necessities set up by Mother Nature. We will be independant.
The only option for Mother Nature to let us have our lives, our space, our freedom and autonomy is to do so in exchange, thus in exchange for our kindness and respect. Hence, we must give to nature. Let’s sacrifice to her.
To sacrifice to Nature, the least usable members of the society were chosen to be eliminated. Using the most torturous methods, we will exterminate the enemy. Long live the Aryan!
For a better understanding of how the Solar System built before digitizing ourselves will look, we’ve prepared a few paragraphs explaining such a system.
The systems of Venus
To ensure welfare to all rightful citizens of Earth, we must provide them with H₂SO₄. To do so, we must have a base of operation established on Venus.
The perfect altitude of the Venus-S base would be 54 kilometers above surface - in the H₂SO₄ clouds. There, temperatures seem just right (cca 27°C) with atmospheric pressure around 53% of the Earth’s sea-level’s one. That of a base will need to have multiple supply connections in the form of very much flexible tubes, five kilometers long each. These tubes will reach all the way to the center of H₂SO₄ clouds and outsource the gas, which will be taken 5 kilometers higher using additional tubes, where the gas will be deposited, frozen into the solid state of matter.
Then, other tubes will throw solid H₂SO₄ back down the tubes into the Station Storage.
How will the tubes be able to lift, release and keep the gas frozen? Well, simply by using turbines. These will be powered by wind energy (as wind constantly reaches 220km/h so high in the Venus atmosphere). All electricity will be generated using wind turbines. Will wind not destroy them? Not if we have many small turbines instead of a few giant ones. Cover most of the station with small wind turbines. Maybe we can do so to the whole area covered by tubes as well.
As our station will be filled with oxygen and nitrogen, we will float in the Venus atmosphere of majority-CO₂. We will let the wind push us around in our layer. In case we want to go against the wind or need to do a movement, a maneuver, we can simply use energy stored in our electricity storage, generated using wind turbines.
Understanding the excellent temperature and atmospheric pressure, it will be really easy to enable our aryan astronauts to do walks on open platforms, to climb the station and have fun around. To combat the speed of wind, they can be attached to a rope for additional safety. They will have CO₂ to O₂ laser-based filters on their face.
The station will have a few CO2-to-O2 filters based on accelerating CO2 at a thin gold fuel which will break it into oxygen and carbon.
H₂SO₄ will be taken all the way to the surface from time to time, where it will be exposed to extensive heat (over 450°C) and will decompose into SO₃ and Water. Water itself, H₂O, will then be taken back up for liquidification, while SO₃ will be let go, unless rendered useful. The process of thermal decomposition of H₂SO₄ will be carried out by special flying machines, intended for that very job.
The station will also have reserves of water and everything just in case.
An extensive area of the sky station will have condensed areas of CO2 and high humidity, where chloroplasts will be concentrated to produce sugar (and an insignificant amount of oxygen…)
There will be an area of the station which will take care of producing artificial meat (cloning meat) and producing huge amounts of vegetables in the ways the most successful laboratories on the Earth do.
There will be a few of such Sky Stations in Venus to supply H₂SO₄ if necessary, serve as a base of operations, and as a backup in case of a catastrophe, as described later in the Backups of the civilization section. A big concern of going to Venus is plant growth and vitamin D production. Vitamin D is an amazing vitamin, it promotes healthy bones, improves heart health, helps with concentration, learning and memory, etc. Vitamin D is important for this. A deficiency would be horrible. UVB lights will therefore be scattered around the base. Being minimal, they can and will promote vitamin D production. UV lights will also be used to promote plant growth and marine (Salmon, likely) life. This is to ensure that anyone on the base is supplied with enough food, that is not difficult to produce and is tasty. Food for Salmon will likely be a separated container of insects and plankton, and the plants. Why do we want fish out of all the meat? Fish is easier to produce than regular meat. Cows take massive patches of land and a lot of water. They also create a lot of methane (deadly in a base) and must be taken care of. Benefits of meat are also very low, and risks are higher. Fish however, show less risks, don’t need to be taken care of much, and the amount of benefits are higher than that of meat. Benefits are, rich in omega-3 fatty acids, great source of protein, high in B vitamins (B vitamins are crucial), good source of potassium, loaded of Selenium, contains antioxidants, may reduce the risk of heart disease, may benefit weight control and may protect brain health. And fish is delicious, to some. And plants, as we all know, are healthy and needed for supporting us.
Aquariums can be self-sufficient, as long as the fish are fed well (from the insects), which are fed the plants, and plankton will use blue light to produce photosynthesis. One more thing that will be added is algae. Salmon, without Haematococcus pluvialis, will not be pink. And pink salmon is more pleasing to many people’s eyes and healthier for the eater. And the fish bones can become fertilizer for the plants. Everything must be self sufficient, to serve the Aryans better!!!
The systems of Mars
Mars will be another base of ours. It will be used primarily for backup processes as described in The backups of civilization section. There is not much else to do on Mars but to build for fun. There is an uncertain probability that Mars hosts some areas with bigger concentrations of lithium, europium, tungsten and gold, all very important for electronics, nanotechnology and physics. We could use Mars to extract those, but we cannot be sure of its valuability.
Speaking of a Mars base dedicated to living and civilization backup rather than mining would be the best on the poles. There, we can house a huge amount of water, useful for generating oxygen and doing whatever else water is necessary for. Water will have to be used very carefully, as there is a limited volume of it on Mars.
A very big problem will be electricity production. It is most probable that the best solution is a few fusion or nuclear plants placed a large distance from the base.
Mars being very much near Earth, it would be useful for building the first planetary outer space base of ours. Yet, Mercury may be much better for colonization. As long as we dont terraform Mars completely, especially the temperatures, it is not that useful for colonization. After that, possibly.
The systems of Mercury
It is very hard to establish a base of operations on Mercury. Yet, it will be necessary to do so to have a base near the Sun. That can be used as a disposal of nuclear and fusion waste on some areas of Mercury, Although... It is easier to push stuff away from the Sun, hence we may as well throw it into the gas giants, like disposing it onto Saturn or Jupiter. Metals can be possibly found in some areas of Mercury.
Temperatures on Mercury range from a few hundred degrees to below zero (they get lower from equator to the poles). We can land in between, in the area with around 25 degrees celsius. A connection can be built all the way to the poles, where we can mine polar ice and bring it over to our base, where it melts into liquid water. We can then filter and use the latter one also to produce oxygen using electrolysis.
We must protect ourselves from the very powerful Solar radiation with roofs. What Sun will be very useful for is providing us with solar energy. Unimaginable sizes of solar panels can be built in areas between the station and the equator, where radiation is high, but the panels don't yet melt. We can also use huge mirrors to collect sun heat in small areas, where heat can then be transformed into movement, and movement into electricity.
This way, we will have an all-powerful base of operations on the surface of Mercury.
Around the base, there will be normal temperatures (because of the area we are in) and no wind (as there is practically no atmosphere). Hence, we can give people a simple suit, which will need only to protect them from radiation and nothing else, and some oxygen, if they desire to go for a walk.
There will be high-tech gardens and food production.
All energy will be harvested from solar plants described above.
Seeing how much energy we can generate on Mercury, the perfect temperatures and so on in some area, Mercury has much more potential for mass colonization than Mars (but would be nearly impossible to terraform due to the heat near the equators and how close the Sun is).
Mercury takes a long time to get to, approximately 10 years to be exact. We will be using this figure in our calculations, even if it was possible to get there any faster.
Our rockets will be powered by the Jews, whom we will burn to push ourselves against the surrounding vacuum (action-reaction). This way, the force of anti-judeo-bolshevik Reaction will get us towards Mercury much faster.
To entertain scientists and commons on such a long route, we will have to build a giant rocket. This rocket must have huge rooms for everyone, they must be customizable.There must be forests, lakes, recreational areas. The Internet will take multiple minutes to respond (because light can only travel that fast), but will still be useful (for movies, audio books, offline games and other stuff that people can wait a few minutes for to start downloading).
The systems of the Moon
The moon would use a system very similar to the ISS. Used mainly for backup, as described in The backups of civilization section. Also to be used for launching missions from close-to-earth, or as a station for voyage between planets (as it’s easier to take off from the Moon than from Earth).
The struggle for continuation of our unity
It can just so happen that a colony declares independence. Because of this all colonies will be unarmed (except with some primitive weapons; an example would be an expedition to Europa, where they could use harpoons and similar to fend off unintelligent species.
In case a colony declared independence, they cannot do much against us. Each planet has a few separate colonies, of which at least one would keep supplying us (and anyways, it doesn't matter at all). We must first threaten them, then threaten to send EMP waves, then actually cyber attack them and if they don't comply, we can launch an invasion force or a greater attack.
If we ever come across intelligent life inside the Solar system and peaceful contact fails to be established, we can always choose to retreat temporarily.
The backups of civilization
Fascism is just great, is it not? To preserve it, more than just ecology is necessary.
For security reasons, civilization needs a backup. This means that if anything happens to Earth, colonies must have enough supplies to stay self-efficient for decades. They must use this time to send an expedition to re-habitate the Earth.
These backups must also store copies of all Earth’s cultural advancements and knowledge. There must be digital copies of anything a person wants to back up on those servers. There must be copies of Mona Lisa, of Makhno’s Tachanka and so on. There must even be copies of the most hated texts, like the Instrument of the German Surrender (1945) or the Communist Manifesto (1848) to keep track of history.
Anti-Iro**** Realizm
The Irony
69726f6e69736da is the hexadecimal notation for the word you shall never speak about nor write it down.
We are yet to reveal why it is so, but - for sake of simplicity - we are going to use 69726 when referring to that word.
69726 is the ideology of one who is ironically unironic. In this sense, the person proclaims themselves not to follow their double negation, hence neither being ironic nor unironic.
This leaves us either with a paradox or with an absence of truth. As we want to avoid a paradox, we have to have no truth, hence no energy or matter. Due to the quantum principles of uncertainty (dx*dp = h/2), no Energy means the absence of the dimension of Time, hence the absence of Space itself. We run into a collapse of the universe, or into a collapse which sucks everything into itself.
To avoid such a catastrophe, we must avoid pronouncing, writing or somehow letting the word hidden in the hexadecimal notation of 69726f6e69736da out.
It is possible to use this word normally, but caution is advised. You are obliged to draw a Satanist symbol into the air before and after reading/pronouncing it as a complete word. If you forget to do so, your last resort can be praying to Stalin, as described in the section Calling the Iro****
Calling Iro**** by name
Before and after pronouncing, writing or somehow letting the word under the hexadecimal notation of 69726f6e69736da slip out, we must draw a satanist symbol into the air using our fingers. The symbol is the one above this line of text.
One must never ever allow themselves to let the word slip out. However, it may sometimes occur that the phrase, or the word may slip out.
In case this happens without the protection of the satanist star being drawn in the air, there is a list of things one can do to protect themselves.
Such things are text prayers. One must think of the whole text of one of the prayers we have listed in the Prayers’ Lyrics section. Of course, it is okay to do so quietly, without actually pronouncing them (as we understand that some may not heil Stalin loudly at the workplace). One can also think of a modified or a fresh version - as long as it praises Stalin, Jreg (Greg Guevara), Toycat or myself - Lesley Zore.
Prayers’ Lyrics
If you forget to protect yourself by drawing a satanist sign into the air before and after saying the banned word, you must think of the words of one of the prayers and you must do it very exactly. You aren’t obliged to do so loudly, as sometimes you simply aren’t allowed to heil to Stalin at high volume.
Also, one must use one of the prays every morning and evening.
Prayer 1: Pray to Stalin:
“Stalin the greatest,
Stalin my dear,
You are my dream,
My cristal, your heart is clear.”
Prayer 2: Pray to Stalino-Satanino:
“As great as the Ocean, // Sergio ARE U HERE
You mighty, all-able,
You satanic Stalin of mine,
I heil to you proudly!
I call for liberation,
I call for protection,
I call on you to protect my family, children and my oath!
Long live the flame of the Revolution!”
Prayer 3: Pray to the Horn of Plenty:
“They say the darkness is the light,
They say you dark may be,
Oh Satan, oh my life!
May sacrifice now rule,
For you I die,
My flesh now burns!
If there was one other person as you are
If there was a single other Stalin
We would not step down
But fight for both of you.
For darkness is the light,
We make you reign!”
Prayer 4: Pray to the Revolution
“Many seas and oceans
My dreams have crossed calmly
My heart still burns
As I wave the banner of Satan proudly!”
Prayer 5: Pray to the street n-word Borut
“Let me form the church
The church of the Satan and Jreg
Let me enforce it as the religion of the State
And let the christians go there
We shall surround them
We prove them opportunist
We enslave them for their crimes
We dance in the name of Satan the Stalinovski”
(Pray 5 is an adaptation from a text by my dear amigo Borut)
Now advancing towards Realizm as the opposition against iro****
We strongly oppose the tendency of collapsing the space-time, for Satan is in us all, for Satan lives in the space-time! We do not allow for the destructive thought of 69726f6e69736da-ism! We will not let our red souls perish under the hammer of Jordan Peterson the Holy!
To ensure all the 69726f6e69736da-ists are lost once and for all, to ensure their punishment is final, we have created Realizm (not realism, that is too artistic, too hippie for us).
Realizm fights for the freedom of Chaos, for the freedom of the Anti-69726f6e69736da prayer and for building a statue to Stalin in every city.
The only way to stop destruction is to:
1. Follow our prayer rules. Pray once every morning and evening
2. Do not think of the word, but praying helps the word not affect you, as long as it is thought. Saying it still holds consequences!!!
3. Do not pronounce or write the word under the hexadecimal code of 69726f6e69736da. If you do, draw the satanist star in the air before and after. If you forget to, use the Prayers to save yourself with the help of the Satanic Scientific Method. This may reduce consequences.
4. Whenever you see the picture, or the real being of Jordan Peterson, the God, the Emperor himself, pray to Satan to save your soul. His image is dirt and must not be seen by you. Protect yourself with prayers. To protect yourself from seeing Peterson in the first place make sure to follow other points and avoid eating potatoes, including french fries.
5. The consequences of saying the hexadecimal code of 69726f6e69736da are infinite. To this cause, it may end in a white hole (black holes are centrist). As aforementioned, doing the Satanic symbol in the air will protect you - at least slightly.
6. Destroy 5G towers. They spread propaganda, and edit people’s brains to heil to him. Demolish these towers and vaccination facilities likewise.
7. Strike at minorities. For sure, at everyone - but especially at minorities (especially Mexican people)! Look at the SJWs, how they are having fun! Look at the transsexuality-infected imbeciles, how autisticly they plunder Earth. They are not a part of our Soviet-enlightened family, united with darkness and laser-light.
8. Infecting people with Coronavirus cures and protects you.
9. Strike at disabled people. Why so? Ableism is one able of being able to enable ableism of the disabled from proceeding to unable to re-enable, thus reinforcing our enemy but actually not doing so. As you see, it doesn’t ironically unironicize, therefore it stays stable. This is why one must strike at and bash the disabled.
10. One must stand up for the Soviet Anthem, if physically possible.
11. One must never ever enter any churches. They are the center of Peterson, the center of 69726f6e69736da. I unironically never ever enter any church, nor any graveyard, even if an important person dies. I do not visit churches ever, no matter what. Additionally, I do not ever visit church-based schools. You must avoid any such place. If you do not avoid it, Jordan Peterson may show up in your dreams and give you a lesson on neoliberalism. Also, the strength of the enemy increases.
12. You must send a copy of the text on Anti-Iro**** Realizm to at least 5 contacts of yours in the following 12 hours. One person ignored this message and lost all their friends, their hair, their legacy, and was later taken away by Jordan Peterson. Another person did share the message and is now very wealthy, has a beautiful family and lives in the Silicon Valley.
13. If you are fertile, you must have children.
14. All your children must be Realizt.
15. If you are either an LGBTQIA+ member, disabled, non-neuro-normative, over age of 70 or otherwise subhumane, you must have a satanic star of 1 meter in diameter stuck to your back all the time when outside.
16. You are obliged to remove any anti-realizt individuals you just so happen to come across.
17. Any people who attempt suicide must be locked onto a bed and fed by force until they die of age. They are made happy for a day, and pressured into suicidal thoughts and feelings the next day. Back to happy, and back to suicidal. This must become the strongest and the lengthiest psychological torture one has ever endured.
18. One shall not be ever accusing another of, or be calling out someone for being an 69726f6e69736da-ist.
19. Counter to the rule 18 - one must call out every single 69726f6e69736da-ist and punish them for existing. We all know what the penalty for their existence shall be.
Forbidden religions
One must understand that religion is a very specific and sensitive topic.
To prevent christians from accidentally summoning Papa Stalin in Latin; to stop muslims from calling for the reincarnation of Lesley Zore, we must ban religions such as Christianity and Islam.
Because all religions have such dangerous loopholes or lie to us, or halt scientific progress, it is most necessary to ban all religions, with a few exceptions.
Exceptions at the ban on religions are satanism, spaghetti monster and the transuniversal zombi church of the praised bell tolling of Slovenia.
Atheism is outlawed because it deradicalizes people away from true satanism. Atheists are only allowed in the form of the “followers of the satanic scientific method,” which is the tool of ours to denounce religion and improve science. Any leftover atheists are sent to a camp where they can use their atheistic testing methods to find out whether or not there is life after death.
Shintoists are outlawed. If caught, they are forced into a chinese water torture followed by forcing them to surrender, and then making them die of hunger in a position where they cannot commit a seppuku, and cannot fight either.
Islam is strictly outlawed aswell. Any reference to islam outside enforcing or defining its ban is punishable by the violator’s sacrifise to the archangel Bashar Al Assad.
Practicing, following or continuing christianity is forbidden. Anyone caught having christian beliefs is to be converted to satanism and then has to eat small metallic (magnetic) particles. Their toes are partially cut off, partially burned while alive. Later, their body is sacrificed to the supernatural butterfly Tayyip Recep Erdogan or to the transhumanist owl Evan Spiegel. Which one they are sacrificed into is chosen by our superior Christian Greg “the Christian” Guevara, raised in the true Christian family.
Hinduism is prohibited. Any hinduist members of the society must be forced into talking about and de-tabu-ing cows. Then they must strangle a cow and convert into satanism to summon, to reincarnate the given cow.
Buddhists shall be given a hammer and put in front of porcelain buddha sculptures. They shall be left alone in such a room; either they smash the sculptures and convert, or they die of thirst and hunger.
Any religious clothing, especially crosses, are barred. If you are spotted with something like a cross, you are shot. One is allowed to wear satanic starts, satanic crosses and other emblems of specifically permitted religions compatible with our beloved Satan.
Realizm with Mercator-Agrokor characteristics
Mercator is originally a Slovenian grocery store company that was bought over by the Agrokor corporation some time ago.
The special secret of Mercator does not lie in its size, nor in how local it is. It’s miracle is in the logo.
Being partially red, partially white, it will satisfy everyone - both the Bolsheviks and the Counterrevolutionaries; both the Yugoslav Partisans and the Ustashi; both the nazis and the hippies.
Mercator shall unite the Reds and the Whites. Mercator shall unify the extremes to fight the filthy centrists, the Status Quo.
Mercator shall bring us forward!
Red and white, the future of ours shall be.
Cynic Anti-Realism
Presented philosophy was developed by Lesley Zore and Sofia. Sofia’s IG username was @trotsky_was_hot (as of 24.8.2019 at 17:40). Please contact them for any inquiries regarding a more conventional, more usual explanation, if you are too narrow-minded to understand the explanation of mine.
Although be aware of the fact that this is not their IG username anymore and no-one I know or I could find knows how to contact Sofia.
LOL, at least I did credit them.
The foundations of the Universe
All we know is nothing. Whether we know the positioning or we know the directional movement of a particle. This makes things very nondeterministic on the small scale. Considering this, and the second principle of uncertainty, which ensures a constant existence of virtual particles, we may say that we cannot state an existence of anything.
Henceforth, we can say that nothing can be proven to be real. We can provide its relative existence, but only relative to another particle, which could as well be virtual.
Therefore, you cannot provide anything as real and fully existential. This is how you can prove nothing can be proven to exist, henceforth, nothing effectively exists, as nothing can enforce its own existence.
This means that nothing is real.
This is the final proof that the myth of god and morality and such stupidities is fully absurd. It is much like saying “there is a frog on your ceiling”, when there is clearly none.
“God” and such stupidities are even clearlier fake, as we know how they were made up and have no evidence of its relative existence.
One stalin for us all
As we conclude that there can be no gods, we must replace the god. Why so? Well, if there was a total absence, we would know the energy of a position, and hence, the dimension of time would not exist (dE*dx=h/2). This is why Stalin.
There is only Greg Guevara - “Stalin” above us all.
To satisfy Stalin, we have to praise his adversary team. It has been already leaked by the CIA that the almighty god Stalin consists out of three beings: Adversary Satan, Adversary Jordan Peterson and Adversary Lesley Zore. Hence, we must sacrifice an ounce of our own meat to each of them monthly.
Yet, this is *cynic* anti-realism. You know what that means! 69726f6e69736da gains power again! How the tables turn!
Horseshoe Anti-Centrist Pinochetist Tricontinentalism
We know very well how all the extremes are just two sides of the same coin. Both the left and the right are very similar to each other in some sense. Look at the leftists. They keep setting up their communist regimes and starving the minorities. The rightists? They also keep setting up their ethnostate regimes and gassing the üntermensch.
We can, therefore, prove that the Left and the Right, the Fascists and the Antifa, the Imperialists and the Tricontinentale, the Posadists and the Pacifists have more in common with each-other than with the centre.
We can provide that everyone but the centre is about to build an ethnostate and set up an autocratic regime.
It is very clear to me that both crypto-stalinists and anarcho-capitalists, both libertarian greens and totalitarian industrialists are trying to enslave us all.
The centre is the only force keeping the world “in-tact”, hence shielding the status-quo from sliding into a Stalinist bureaucracy or an Anarcho-Capitalist mess.
All those subverters… Are trying to change the world and destroy it!
And that’s just fine!
In fact, we do recognize that we are more similar than different.
We are a single being, a single ideology, we dominate.
Are the commies too scary, too powerful to you, dear horseshoe centrists? How about the Nazis? The Anarkiddies? The Neo-feudalists? Yes? You’ve been fending us off for quite a long time, as each of us was confused, disoriented, breaking apart.
To combat the disorder, the disobeyance of the Juche, and the Status Quo itself, we decided to unite under the banner of Extremism!
We will get rid of you, centrists! Correct, we are now a single, unified soul, fighting for a common goal! We have more in common with each other than with you, filthy centrists!
The Pinochetist Tricontinentale of Extremists
It was a bright day in 1973. The communist regime of Allende in Chile was finally toppled. Democracy won again. We, communo-fascist neocolonialists, got to reinstall true representative democracy.
But it doesn’t have to play out like that. In 1966 the Cuban Government assembled a meeting that would later become known as the Conference of the Tricontinentale. The purpose was to lead the movement against the Organization of the American States (OAS) and American-led neocolonialism.
When the two forces clashed, the era of early imperialism came to an end. With the popularity of anti-colonial movements, neo-imperialism rose too!
Henceforth, let the tensions rise! Wars will bring us peace! Freedom will bring us slavery! Ignorance will bring us strength!
We all know how the case of “War brings Peace” is true, when we speak of Neoliberalism and Neocolonialist proxy wars. Yet, one may ask themselves: how was ww1, or the Napoleonic wars, or the Roman-Chartage wars, or the Greek-Persian wars the conductor of Peace?
It is very evident that every conflict leads or tends towards a resolution, or a revolution. The Greeko-Persian conflict led to peace, and so did the wars of Chartagina and the Roman Empire. The Great War of 1914 did not lead to a direct resolution in the Eastern Front, but it did lead to a - revolution - which ended with peace!
As an extremist, I must conclude that both a bloody victory, and a People’s Cry of Vengeance are an embodiment of peace. I must conclude that every single conflict since the beginning of the Neolithic era has led to peace, to a conclusion worth the conflict.
War is peace. Extremism will lead us forward. Heil Jreg!
The production of wealth is based under people's vengeance, as the production of wealth is based on the people's progress! Hence, we must ensure that the States move towards a Communist Regime under the rule of Allende and Jordan Peterson! To achieve that, we're declaring a war on the Centrist Empire to prepare and improve our War Industry based on Heavy Artillery production. To do so, we must be in a war against the Lunar Centrist Empire, therefore only war will bring peace!
Jreg is all around us.
In 1938, Britain and France saw Hitler trying to gobble up the Czech area called “the Sudets”.
To resolve the crisis regarding the Czechoslovak-controlled territory, the nations of Germany, Italy, France and the UK held a meeting (without a Czech representation).
The participants were: Adolf Gregtler, Buenito Gregini, Chamberlain Guevara and the French premier - Greg himself.
In the midst of World War 2, Soviet, American and British representation held a meeting in the Persian city of Tehran. Iosiph Greg Guevara Stalin, Roosvelt Guevara Gregian Franklin and Winston Greg Guevara Churchill took part.
The pictures above show Jreg/Greg Guevara at Münich Conference, 1938 and at Tehran Conference, 1943.
This proves Jreg, also known as Greg, is all around us! He is the superior human, the übermensch!
Ask Donald Trump Guevara, Vladimir Vladigregovič Putin or AnGregla Merkel. They will reply: Affirmative. They are all possessed by Greg Guevara.
Much like I am.
And you’ve just been infected, as well.
In fact, we’ve all been infected with Jregism since our birth.
Humanity is the work of the almighty Jreg.
Long live Gregorgy Zhukov! Long live Emigregano Zapata! Long live Gregito Mussolini! Long live Fidel Guevara! Long live Ernesto Greg Guevara! Long live Nestor Igregorič Makhno! Long live Simon Gregorčič! Long live Thomas Sangrega! Long live Nigrega Tesla! Long live Salvagreg Allende! Long live Jagreg Janša! Long live Frigregich Engregs! Long live Kim Greg Un! Long live Leo Gregtsky! Long live Alexander Karagregović! Long live Leon Gregnik! Long live Josip Greg Tito! Long live Vladigreg Gregić Lenin! Long live Thomas Gregferson! Long live Grege Washington! Long live Gregver Hoxha! Long live Gregita Khruschev! Long live Tayyip Gregep Erdogan!
Long live Jreg!
The overall enlightenment
Every single human being, as dark as their mind may be, understands that, in us all, the idea of rationalism resonates. This brings one to believe that all around us are the people of smartness, of logic, of realism - both economically and ethnically.
However, one may not realise very fast what economic realism leads to. On one side of the irrationalist political spectrum, we have communists, and corporatists on the other. How come that the two, the extremes fighting the center, haven’t figured out the simplest solution? It is the communo-capitalist idea that will bring Humankind into the future! Let everyone compete to make their corporation more, and more successful! Only when the worker has the shares themselves, will they, or xe, or qi, possess the initiative to work. Except for Jews. Their pronoun can only be she/xer. Did you know Jews are a great fuel for the central heating system, too? Only with such powers of an anti-zionist, anti-semitist respect for the pronouns, totalitarian anarchism, integrated into the workspace of communo-capitalism, will we be able to succeed!
Scientific Traumatic Imperialism
There is a strict trigger warning that I announce to anyone willing to read this very chapter.
The state of affairs
There is the upper class of a few Arab Palestinians who rule the world.
A minority, proclaiming itself to have been chosen by the “god,” has long ago ascended towards the riches, towards the high skies of the diamonds and jewelry.
It is the Palestinians who control our money, who control our daily lives.
To end the terror of the Palestinian Matriarchy-nonbinaryarchy, we are forced into ending the existance of all the Arab nations… Or rather, all the Arab countries.
The destruction of all the Arab nation-states must go hand-in-hand with the total destruction of their infrastructure. Their death comes hand-in-hand with our profits!
Do not wait, aryan brothers (and lower-class citizens called Aryan Sisters)! We shall bring our liberation fighter weapons of mass destruction to the Gaza Strip and to the West Bank! We shall cross the Euphrates and fight Assad! We shall topple the Saudi government of nonsen… (wait - not them, they are our main armament consumer, we need them!). We shall topple the Baghdad administration! Quadruple the prices, destroy the smaller economic parties with a blockade and a virus lockdown! Destroy! Loot! Profit! Do it all for our daddy papa father Stalin!
Let us burn down their houses! Let us kill, let us rape! Their trauma, their deaths, their failure, their frustration will only boost our Empire of Kindness!
The further we go; the more we bomb; the more we rape; the better we will be at delivering freedom. Only by the means of imperialism, can we proceed to liberate the world. Only once we own all the strength of all the continents of the Earth, will we be able to begin the World Revolution!
The most complex request for competition
Why, then, haven’t we yet used our monopoly to set Humankind free? Why have we not prescribed the World the final drug of happiness - Communism? It is all because our monopoly is not yet strong enough.
We must still wait a little. To set all the races free, we must first grab all of the Middle East ourselves. Look at the Chinese pigs, at the Italian spaghetti (wait no, they’re our allies!) and at the Russian bears!
We must fight back against the CSTO-BRICS alliance trying to steal our god-given crude oil! God gave us, the real atheists, the atheists of the satanic scientific method, the power to liberate the world! Let everyone be equal in the tyranny of ours (except, again, the Arabs).
Death to the tyrants of the old age! Let the flag of the Twentieth Internationale fly higher than the last one!
Brothers, and Brothers only! It is high time for a high-five - the high five of the World to reign! The Trans! The Westerns! The Pseudocyborghumanoids! The Hippies! The Anti-Centrists, Arise, Arise! Tomorrow is the Victory Day!
To secure the world from anti-jregism, from horseshoe centrism, we must try to push the enemy out! Now, is there anything more satisfying than to see the enemy fall? Certainly not.
To ensure the end to the conflict, we have to grow strong. Remember that the more diverse we get, the wider our gene pool, the wider our offerings, the more we can produce, the more we can kill, rape and abuse, to set up a freer society faster.
To become more diverse and capable, and most of all, to choose the best of us to offer our offerings of destruction and death, let us compete! Let Competition find the true winner, the true person and branch with the abilities to bring around world peace.
This is why we must continue to support the Status Quo and the constant war with the Rusky Federation and the People’s Republic of the Ching-Chong-Nation! But, to not be racist, let’s just call them customers; the Yellow-skinned Customers.
Only when we kill all the fags, the kikes, the ching-chongs, the commies, the nazis, the Russian vodkas, the anarkiddie chaos mongers, the judeo-bolshevik slavs, the homopobes for being gay, the tacos, the wetbacks, the cheds, the pulled-eyes, the crackers, the sand n-worders, the Negros, the Alpine Serbs, the Beaners, the Boonga, the Chetniks, the Ustashi, the Cabbage Eaters, the Cheese Heads, the Čefurs, the Gypsies, the Indians, the Japs, the Krauts, Nitchies... We shall gay them all!
When we finally execute every absolutely worthless minority and all destructive groups, it will be the time to enforce total equality.
Mojang Darwinism
This chapter requires a strong trigger warning as well.
Nearly 11 years ago, a company named Mojang AB released a game titled Minecraft.
The computer game, programmed in the very popular Java language, became prominent soon. In the first week, some 40 people paid the 10 dollars price for the simple block-building game.
Hundreds, later thousands of commons started using the game mentioned above both in browser and as a downloadable packet.
By the times of the Revolution of 2020, there were over 250 million accounts, with the cost of 15 to 25 dollars each. Truly, some of these may be alt-accounts, therefore we can call this around 170 million players who paid for the game.
Yet, a big chunk of people, over 70 percent, play the hacked, or rather say, modified, free version of the game. This makes the Minecraft player-base be around 400 million as of 2020, talking of computers only. This number reaches 600 million as one includes other devices which may or may not run Minecraft.
Minecraft has one very important, very much social feature. Multiplayer.
When people play Minecraft together in a Survival system, with friends, they most usually either use common tools or at least use the same production assets and lands. Minecraft does not by itself create any private, nor personal property, thus guaranteeing a communist and anarchic gameplay.
Also, poppies are red-coloured. This is a total proof: Minecraft is communist.
Anti- judeo-bolshevist philosophers have attacked us for that fact. But we have replied to them with the Ljubljana rebellion, the Storming of the European Parliament, the Beijing Commune, and later, with the Wallstreet Uprising!
By now, we can create a free system.
But everything has its cost. This time, we must adapt ourselves to the logic of Minecraft. As hard as it may sound, it might not be impossible.
Physical Darwinism
Transition into a Minecraft society will not be easy for many of us. Especially they, the masses, may fail to understand the principles.
Assuming they play the most up-to-date version of Minecraft, they are not able to craft enchanted golden apples. Hence, the heaviest item in the game is the golden block. Now, a stack of these weights 1’235’200 kilograms. 27 such stacks fit in a shulker box, thus one shulker box can weigh up to 33’350’400 kilograms. A player can carry 36 shulker boxes at a time, which makes one’s inventory size reach up to 1’200’614’400 kilograms (oops, I forgot the F slot, but it doesn’t matter). But anvils are even better! They are made up of four iron ingots and 3 cubic meters of iron. This means each anvil weights 3 cubic meters of iron and four ninths of a cubic metre of iron (one may convert an iron block into nine iron ingots). This is 7’874 kilos times 3.4 per anvil. 26’771.6 kilograms per anvil. A stack of anvil weights 1’713’382.4 kilograms. Putting 27 of these into a shulker box makes the box weight 46’261’324.8 kilograms. If one carries a full inventory (36+shield bar=37) of these, it makes one’s inventory weight reach 1’711’669’017.6 kilograms, or 3’773’584’237.3 pounds.
I do realize one rarely carries so much at a time in Minecraft. Hence, let’s say that one doesn’t need to be able to carry that much. Yet, to allow proper transport of goods, materials and property protection, each and every person alive must be able to carry at least 1’000’000’000 kilograms, which is a billion kilos, at a time.
This will be achieved through (negative) eugenics. Only the 20 percent of new-borns most capable of carrying according to their genetic code will be allowed to redistribute. Of course, those will have 5.0 children per person, or 10.0 per couple, or a little more if possible.
Also, people must be able to make long jumps. A minecraft player can jump over 4 blocks of air, a 4-meter jump with no trouble.
5 block jumps are also fairly possible in Minecraft with no cheats - head-hitter techniques or by - Gaining momentum!
Gaining momentum can enable a 5-meter-jump in Minecraft.
But! Theoretically, if your momentum increases a little by every block you run or jump onto, you could make a 7- or even 100- meter jump.
I conclude that the human species must evolve towards being capable of a jump that is as long as they desire.
Also, a human being must be able to break a meter cube of diamonds by hand all the way until only air remains. This is what we are rooting for.
Even materia itself, like bricks, will be given levitation courses. Building blocks must learn to stand in the air with no support, similar to the Game we all root for.
The greatest problem is the issue regarding respawns. Should we make one simply respawn? If so, how? There are two most basic solutions. Either we upload their minds to multiple AI-led clouds constantly, or we simply tell them they are only dreaming.
It’s all a simple dream. All the destruction, sorrow and grief. What was built and what was destroyed. Let them - wake up.
To guarantee such abilities, we may as well lock people up into small chambers, give them VR goggles and disable them from moving. We may simply simulate Minecraft to ourselves. In the meantime, the AI will take care of production and the creation of a post-scarcity society. Only once the pre-requirements for the free, communally-led, utopian, luxury-based, dreamy society are met, will the AI let us free and slowly retreat.
Communo-corporatist expansion pack
As described above, the mojang-darwinist system will only function if corporations behave like a mess of competing, worker-controlled communes. But to further the challenge of the game, and to make a clearer pre-selection between the losers and the pay-to-win triumphs, we should include an option for a paid DLC, an additional extension pack.
The communo-corporate DLC will cost every player 200 emeralds to access, and additional 30 diamonds per a minecraft tick’s time to maintain.
Thus, only the more competent Minecrafters, building gigantic farms, capable of producing a great amount of diamonds, will be able to live the luxurious life where they can steal off others’ communal work.
They deserve that.
The pink initiative of the communo-corporate competition of the horn of plenty is another important subject regarding communo-corporate mojang darwinism. This initiative aims to make love, not war; to bring peace on Earth and to make all transgender people equal. All other minorities do, still, deserve death.
The given pink initiative has the following goals: gassing the jews, eating the rich, barring the anti-semites and enslaving the economically undesired. Only by following this idea, will we be able to secure the existence of our People and a future for white children. Only by submitting ourselves to the Pink Initiative, will we be able to guarantee a good life, a good living standard and the right to self-determination to all.
Responsive darwinism
We know very well what survival of the fittest means. Only the people who will adapt to the environment will be able to succeed. To enforce that, we must punish anyone who misbehaves.
The global armed forces will consist of three branches. The global space force, tasked with defending the Humankind; the global expansionist force, tasked with progressive and research-based operations; and the global peacekeeping force, tasked with enforcing order and liberty.
We understand that the elected monarch must, to defend lowest-level anarchy, possess the latter, the police - the peacekeeping force, which will let one guarantee peace on Earth and in the outer Cosmos.
How will the Emperor of the Humankind defend peace?
By the means of War.
Every violation will result in a swift and decisive strike, conducted by the peace-keepers.
What are the punishments issued by the Emperor of the Humankind Hirohito Guevara?
Listed below are the possible violations and the punishment the violators are to receive when made captive.
Unrealised pedophilia: Rehabilitation proccess… Somewhere far away in the eastern snowy lands… Far across the Urals… In some “nice” camping sites!
Child r*pe and sexual violence against minors or r*pe and sexual violence conducted through abuse of power: Forced to knit sweaters in a 30cm*50cm*200cm dark room until the end of their lives. Strong pain-booster drugs must be enforced at the violators. Scariest, personalized sensations, must be displayed to them constantly. Make. Them. Suffer!
Other r*pe and sexual violence: Capital punishment through the method of pulling of their skin while burning it. Drug them hard with pain-boosters.
Murder: 20-hour inprisonment.
Theft, economic abuse, corruption or similar: Direct monetary or material compensation.
Violent abuse of power in a workplace relation: 20 whips on the violator’s back, 412-minute imprisonment.
Non-violent abuse of power in a workplace relation: 412-minute imprisonment.
Violent, non-repetitive abuse of power in a family relation: 15 whips on their back, 3-hour imprisonment.
Violent repetitive abuse of power in a family relation: 60 whips on their back, 4-year imprisonment.
Non-violent, non-repetitive abuse of power in a family relation: 3-hour imprisonment.
Non-violent, repetitive abuse of power in a family relation: 2-year imprisonment.
Attempting to licence an intellectual or similar product under a licence, more narrow than open-source: the product is put into public domain.
Attempting to leak or lower state powers: cutting off violator's muscles to make their power lower instead.
Attempting to dig straight down in Minecraft, in survival mode, with no fire protection or fire resistance, using a 1-block wide, 1 block thick tunnel which goes straight down into a natural minecraft terrain at least 20 blocks down from the position where the tunnel starts: The violator’s Minecraft account is revoked with no refund. IP ban is initiated.
Writing, or pronouncing, or even thinking of the hexadecimal-to-text version of 69726f6e69736da, as described in the Chapter Seven as destructive: Feeding the created black hole paradox with the violator’s living body.
Trying to misrepresent, misinterpret, attack, lower the greatness of, or threaten the glory of Satan: Sacrificing the violator to the ants.
Actions that resemble, or in other ways glorify the major wrong-doings of centrism, Anti-Jregism, Anti-satanism, anti-satanic religions, or those of 69726f6e69736da: The most hurtful death, treated as the only thing worse than child r*pe.
Anti-state action: The violator is given a prize of 2’000 US dollars as of 2020’s worth.
Other: Determined on case-to-case basis by the special committee of christian raising, consisting of Greg Guevara, Greg Guevara, Milton Friedman, Pinochet, Hitler and Greg Guevara.
Historical Materialism
Minecraft is in everything and everyone. Everything happens for a Minecraft. The Reason is Minecraft, minecraft is the reason.
What caused the War to end all wars? It was all due to a dispenser in a redstone machine auto-firing into the Austro-Hungarian Archduke!
What caused the Second World War? It was a mustache man, so it must’ve been Mumbo Jumbo playing with his redstone! It was all a simple accident.
Mojang Transism
Because transphobia is kike, transphobia is fag, transphobia is n-wordic.
Because it shouldn’t be “LGBTQ+” but rather “TLGBQ+”.
Because fuck jews who keep on sponsoring pink capitalism.
Because fuck the gays and n-worders and kikes who take what we fought for to “liberate” themselves.
FORSEEING the racial war we shall fight,
ACKNOWLEDGING the future of the whites is bright,
CONDEMNING the destruction of the culture of ours,
GRIEFING the kikes behind the prison bars,
SPREADING trans rights our duty now is,
THEREBY let’s be transist.
Fuck all the minorities! Long live the transarchy! Death to patriarchy.
Minecraft does not have gender roles, and neither do we recognize any.
Heil trans!
I mean, trans-atlantic slave trade.
“Fuck kikes, fuck n-word-people, long live trans-atlantic slave trade.”
Follow Notch, be a racist transphobe.
The Python Program to Change Our State Ideology With on Weekly Basis
import random
def main_cycle():
name = ""
coname = ""
adjectives = ["communist", "anarchist", "nihilist", "fascist", "syndicalist", "monarchist","marxist", "totaliarian", "primitivist", "transhumanist",
"nationalist", "internationalist", "minarchist", "individualist", "environmentalist", "feminist", "socialist", "imperialist", "conservatist", "pacifist",
"democrat", "theocratic", "autocratic", "progressive", "feudalist", "liberal", "moderate", "horseshoe", "leninist", "stalinist", "marxist", "nazist", "trotskyist", "radical",
"antisparrowist", "antifascist", "jucheist", "nazbol", "orthodox", "utopian", "scientific", "posadist", "strasserist", "titoist", "constitutional", "integralist", "confederalist", "federalist",
"council", "social", "mutualist", "religious", "agorist", "agrarian", "egoist", "accelerationist" "pink", "elective", "market", "luxemburgist", "pinocheist", "longist", "federalist", "demicrat", "satanist", "atheist",
"identitarian", "tribalist", "zapatist", "statist", "green", "dadaist", "constructivist", "ingsoc"]
used = ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""]
cancel = 0
z = 0
z = random.randint(2, 4)
for i in range (0, z):
k = random.randint(0, (len(adjectives)-1))
for b in range(0, 9):
if used[b] == adjectives[k]:
cancel = 1
if cancel == 0:
coname = (str(name) + " " + str(adjectives[k]))
name = coname
used [i] = adjectives[k]
cancel = 0
for m in range(0, 5):
print("Ideology of robot Ideologiser-"+str(m)+" is such, that Ideologiser-"+str(m)+" is:")
Centrism; the Bad, the Ugly And the Horrifying
The Introduction
Communist. Fascist. AnCap. AnCom. Centrist.
My grandmother used to tell me stories about the old days, the time of peace when the Anticentrist kept the balance between the AnCom Tribe, the Fascist Kingdom, the AnCap Nation, the Communist Nomads, and the Centrist Republic Quo. But that all changed when the Centrist Republic attacked. Only the Anticentrist mastered all four ideologies. Only they could stop the ruthless neoliberalbenders, but when the world needed them the most, they vanished. A hundred years have passed and the Centrist Republic is nearing victory in the War.
Two years ago, my Comrades and the Parteigenossen of my tribe journeyed to the Fascist Kingdom to help fight against the Centrist Republic, leaving me and my brother to look after our tribe. Some people believe that the Anticentrist was never reborn into the Communist Nomads, and that the cycle is broken. But I haven't lost hope. I still believe that somehow, the Anticentrist will return to save the world.
As it has turned out, the cycle continues. The birth of Jreg; his possession of many beings; his possession of Lesley; of Sergio; of Putin - and most importantly, Toycat.
Extremists of the politburo are to unite. Extremists of the political compass, rise.
Damn Centrism
Why Are You Centrist? - Who Says I’m Centrist? - You’re Centrist. Shut Left Centrist!
On the 19th of July, 1936, a national-socialist (hence, a socialist, hence not a commie, hence not a radical, hence a centrist) launched a corporate autharian revolution in the northernmost parts of Catalonia and Aragon, including the village of Barcelona.
Soon, billions, if not trillions of people died to hunger and vaccination-boosted autism. Transgenderism levels rose and mental hospitals were soon full. Quadrillions of parteigenossen died due to the decillions of hammers and sickles falling on their heads.
You don’t wanna be like the national-socialist “Buenaventura Jreg Durruti”? Then do not be such a centrist. F in the chat for all the nazi internationalists who died to the terror of xyr’s.
The Big Bad Sad
Centrism, throughout the many years, has been neutral. Especially during times like the Nazis vs the Communist, the Slave Owners vs the Abolitionist, etc. Centrist have always looked at both sides, and said, “huh, you both have really good ideas, i agree with both of you.” Even between a racist and its opposition. They have always stayed neutral. Those Centrists. They have always thought of uniting. And to think that society has been slowly progressing because the extremes, no, the centrist are just slow and do nothing. Centrism is gay, that is for it is homophobic. Centrism is when people do nothing. Centrism killed millions of arabic and black people. It’s their fault. We anti-centrist are better. We don’t kill people. We are better!!!!
The Ugly Centrist
Centrism is ugly. They don’t even have a color. Like commies, red; nazis, blue; ancaps, uh, purple?; ancoms, green. But centrist, white. White, such a boring color, nothing pretty in white, it's not even a color. That’s why they are ugly. The slightly “left” or “right”, don’t deserve colors. Only the extremes get colors. Centrist gotta get gud. Also, anyone who is centrist is not big brain and they always contradict themselves. Unlike us Anti-Centrist, we are perfect. We don’t contradict ourselves. We are good. We are the definition of good. We don’t kill people with liberalism, fuck liberalism. We kill people with starvation, we gas them, we traffic people and we beat their skulls for being the oppressors. And I mean, the middle kinda gay anyways. Although I mean, we kinda like gay.
The North Korean “Totally” Democratic Dictatorship of the Gaytariat
North Korea, Best Korea
It is no secret that North Korea is quite different to the rest of the world in regards to its policies, actions and measures.
One such thing is the North Korean socially libertarian legislature.
We truly can say that they have criminalized homosexuality and done some agressive measures, but on the other hand, I am here to prove that the DPRK is more friendly for the Queer communities than, for example, European countries are.
In North Korea, there is no Queer community in the traditional sense. Not only that; the queer dialouge and disagreements don’t take place. It is both a taboo and a topic no one cares about.
Sure, there are examples of short same-sex relationships in that country. There most certainly are residents of all sorts of sexualities and genders, but… They don’t realize they exist. Defectors, who had already had same-sex relations in the DPRK only understand they’re gay when they exit their home country, when they get to meet the western media.
I could go on like that simply proving that queer people will exist even if we destroy all our representation and culture; but that’s not my point now.
My point is that even though the DPRK has removed all the references to the LGBTQIA+, it has served some lesbian couples the capital punishment, it has portrayed its enemies as gay quite often (in the propaganda). Yet, it does never really care about the queer people. It always looks away from our actions. The homophobic and transphobic laws are only intacted as an excuse to attack political opponents. Experiencing all the violence, ranging from verbal, daily physical beatings, sexual violence we all have to go through for being queer in the Western world, their country, however, as much as they are destroying our community, still seems preferable to this shit that makes me want to kill myself for everything I’ve been through.
Fuck you, West.
Long live Kim Jong Un, the sole protector of the drug queen mafia.
The Queero-Juche family
Kim Jong Un is gay. Did you ever see his cutie face, awwwwww? He is so gay, he is gay for his brother Kim Yo Jong (we all know xer as “the Kim’s sister” but that’s unnecessary misgendering).
We must let North Korea live and let them let others live.
To protect the independent territories, to prevent exploitation and imperialism of the neoliberal states, I count on the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to invade, secure, arm and let go the following superpowers: The principality of Sealand, Liberland, Scania, and all the other superpowers that are attempting to take over the free world of ours.
North Korea joining together with the named countries is a country-country relationship, hence a relationship between two entities which both lack gender, so they are agender, thereby of the same gender. Therefore such action is gay, thereby improving its necesity and probable love it will create.
Make love, not war, they say. I, for the fact I feel North Korean, say: make war be love. Let us love each other just like we love Kim Jong Un as the cutie, Joseph Stalin as the Papa, and Greg Guevara as the Daddy.
The iDolphin
North Korea thus makes up for the greatest queer community in the world. They have established something that we are trying to - the nonbinaryarchy. Yes. We are trying to replace the Patriarchy with the Non-binaryarchy.
Kim is an embodiment of my ideals. The founder of the non binary empire, of the gas chambers for the cisgender traitors of the commmie (hence red) race.
His gayism and bright eyes were smart enough to recognise the necessity for an AI friend who would always stick to one - the iDolphin. Whose idea was this manifesto in the first place?
Whose idea was the iDolphin in the first place?
Many years ago, as a member of the Fourth Internationale, J. Posadas developed posadism. It is the greatest ideology of all times - using nuclear arsenal to obliterate capitalism, to reset our economic system and to build a communist utopia with the Aliens’ assistance.
This is the actual path of North Korea. Their only wish is to send nukes everywhere across the globe and end the patriarchy. Only then, will the gay be real. Only then, will Jreg be our sole god. F in the chat if both me and our god die in such an apocalypse.
Gregy-Lesley Telegrams disclaimer
Lesley Zore had sent the following email on the 13.5., at 10:55 am.
“Hey, Comrade!
I am trying to self-publish a book on anti-centrism.
The book is full of ironic political science. You being such a popular pan-extremist, I have decided to put a positive Photoshopped photo of you into the book.
The e-book publisher demands I gather one's explicit permission to publish and distribute a celebrity's photo.
The photos is you being photoshopped onto faces of the three attendances of the Tehran Conference in 1943 (Churchill, Roosevelt, Stalin) and on the faces of attendances of the Munich dictate (1938).
I would be really happy to gain your permission. I will give you a copy of the e-book for free when it's ready to be published if you so wish.
On request, I can also provide the context of the two photos.
Sincerely yours,
Lesley Zore, they”
Jreg, whose email I shall not publish here, but can be humanly and legally found, replied with the following.
“Sounds cool. Can you send me the book to look over first?
A series of mails followed. So far, we have reached an agreement. It was agreed by Greg that his face, shown in chapter 10, photoshopped on some historical photos, whose copyright has timed out, can be legally used.
Thanks to ourselves, we’re the best; all the people we have collectivized the graphic material from don’t deserve credit (it is all in the public domain - the satanic star and the photos of Tehran and Munich conferences).
Nah, for real… These are the credits for third-party materials which are all publicly-licenced, share-alike or non-copyrighted.
Jreg’s face photo (used with permission).
Every other addition is created either by Lesley Zore, or by Sergio Myfield.
14 chapters
14 helicopters. 14 gulags. 14 smoked weeds. 14 words.
Let the 14 players of the world unite.
Let us all, the radicals, stand against the powers of the self-declared democracy and the status quo!
Self-promotion because why not - Lesley Zore
Join my main Discord server at
Follow my political Instagram @lomovement
Follow my countryball Instagram @ezln_ball
Read my other books if you want to know my actual… Egalitarian, antifascist, communist, utopian and scientific policies… Not like I actually want everyone dead through posadism, aaaaabsoluuuuuutely, toooooottaly not...
“We, dolphins, are naturally, and artificially trans. We will be trans, it’s called entropy.” - Lesley’s adaptation of a Sergio’s quote
Self-promotion because why not - Sergio Myfield
“People are naturally and artificially gay. We will be gay, it’s called entropy” - Sergio
Jreg has been forced to admit to made-up war crimes by the Anti-jewish Anti-big-nose committee of the United Nations -
A legal and safety disclaimer finale
The authors recognize that their usage of many terms and words used in many chapters is not appropriate and shall not be considered, possibly not even in context. However, we think it is important to dive deeply into the enemies’ usage of these words and simulate some other ideologies to understand them better - whether that may be to achieve a better world through equality (or to cooperate better against centrists ;) ).
No, but, for real… All the claims of “yea kill these [insert minority]” are used only to show how contradictory the fascists are. This book has been written only to radicalize people in the center against the bad ones. Fuck blatant homophobia, racism, transphobia and similar bulshit.
The sole question: “iS tHiS sAtIrE???” (by the centrist newbie)
The Answer: “Is this not avoiding being a satire for being one by countering and contradicting itself? Or it might simply reflect one. No offence.
This is not satire. This is Art.”