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The Lesleyist Monthly Publication of Communist Literature

June 2021


Ṡę p0~ňÎțė ůřø, khō ße yę Jôýćé pfõ~ûðíł w Ł@îbbb@čhü#€£&{}

Rastlinska Komunikacija

Valuta 7 ali 8 - ne vem več točno

Warring in Minecraft


The Final Act of The Congress of Budapest

Ṡę p0~ňÎțė ůřø, khō ße yę Jôýćé pfõ~ûðíł w Ł@îbbb@čhü#€£&{}

Še korak v presneto tesnih čeveljcih… In sem stopila na pločnik, to ko sem pravkar bila prečkala cesto sivine. Vsredi njenega plošča se je vila lomljena in le nedolgo nazaj obnovljena črta marmornate barve, ki je plano sekala ravnokje posredi. Ni bila, kot so mnoge druge, bleda in ponekod kar neobstoječa. Le kri, kri, prelita po njej, a je le ta bila tam komaj za trenutek in kaj kmalu se je moj pogled izostril. Krvi tam ni bilo; ne počivam tamkaj, mirno, kot tistikrat… Ah, ko ni bilo niti v prometu. Od kje packe krvi, ki so tako blede? Bolj, kot sem videla le cesto, sivkasto kot sem, podgana, bolj se je nanjo spuščal čmrljček cekinček. Metulji okoli, kot da mu bodo izsesali kri… Metulji, to je laž. Le čmrljček, ki se mu je približeval avtomobil. Ta ga bo kaj kmalu zadel, ako se ne umakne, mi je rojelo po glavi. Takrat sem opazila lepoto neba, ki se je razpotegalo nad menoj. V daljavi planjave, ki so bile mojemu žalovanju navkljub še tam, kjer jim je mesto. To je - daleč stran. Vtem sem zaslišala rožljanje verige… Takšne ni niti v mojih najtemnejših spominih… A nikjer ni bilo videti izvora temu zvoku, čeprav sem se ozrla naokoli in povsem gotova zaključila, da je zvok bil, a mu ni izvora. Ko sem glavo zaobrnila nazaj na uvodno mesto, usmerjeno za nosom, sem ravno končala svoj drugi korak. V zraku je bilo čutiti zlovešč vonj čebule ali nečesa njej hudimano podobnega. Prepad za menoj, jaz na vrvi. Vprašanje je bilo, ali, ali bolje, ali naj se - po njej sprehajam ali naj se z njo obesim. Vsekakor sem morala priti do enega izmed vozlov; tako bi se lahko obesila ali odvihrala dalje, kakor se mi zazdi. Ne bi šlo, ne da bi ob tem srkala kavico, kakopak. A pot je še dolga, sem menila. Za zdaj srkajmo. Ob tem se začne vse naokoli tresti vpričo glasbe, ki mi doni v glavi. Črta sredi cestišča, po katerem se bliža konvoj medgalaktičnega predstavništva Sindikalne Konfederacije, je še tam; ni vzelo le trenutek, da bi se zabrisala. Čmrlja je bilo tedaj že skoro povozilo, mene žaliMarx ne. Tako svetlo sonce in vendar tako bridka in nepotrebna smrt… Kaj mi leporečje. Naj se stegne, insekt zanikrni. Rakova filharmonija. Naprej sem se pomikala le polžje. Sirene sem slišala iz oddaljenosti le metra kot Tesla mariborski vlak vse do Ljubljane. Jaz sem na varnem, teslo. Javorjev hrast. Lipa. Pišče. Po nebu se je krog in krog vila mavrica - naj ji bi sledila, vse dokler ne bi stopila na mino? Veste, skriva se, kjer… Kjer ni piščancev. Sij… Kakor je sijalo izza steklovine poslopja pred menoj. Kaj jim bo varčnost, ko raje varčujejo v javnem zdravstvu. Saj ne trdim, da je bila pravkar odbila drugo. Popoldne, namreč. Aurora Australis von Laibach. Zapahi. Stavba pred menoj v nasprotju z mojim spominom, kakor mi je bil služil pred danim vrhom, ni bila le iz stekla in železja. Železobeton, morda. Tako sem porekla, a še isti trenutek je iz nje padel nož, rdeč in kvadrast. Pozornost sem tako usmerila k vhodu Metroja, ob katerem je tako ponosno stal Oton Župančič… Ah, saj to je le njegov portret. Tako kot pred pritličnim oddelkom… Ne psihiatrije, toliko povem. In čmrljev krik. Resonanca disfiguriranih postmodernističnih neomarksističnih čmrljev nove dobe človečanske funkcije konflikta interpersonalne intersekcije umetniškega trenutka, prepevajo. Delavci sveta. Župančič mi ni mahal, njegov portret je bil namreč papirnat in vetra, ne vetrca, ni bilo čutiti. Mesojeda ta rastlina. In tap-a-tap, stopam še en udar. Končno sem, tako, usmerila vrat, kakor je prav, zagledalši cvetje drevoreda, belo kakor sneg in vendar črno kakor smrt. Krog in krog njega… Sem se sprehajala. Drevesce. Grmiček. Bolje oditi. Pravi na mestu lica naš tovariš ovaduh. Cefizljasta presta. Le ni prav. Smrt temu, takisto janševizmu. Liberte. Svetlikajoča se praprot v rosi krog tulca v podzemlje, kjer parniki tračni se skozi mesto podijo, žvenketaj, sončnica. "Social-demokrati", mislim social-kapitalisti, mislim rdeči fašisti, mislim izdajalci, so nemarna kautskyistična struja revolucionar-konzervativcev - ohranitvi kapitalizma z UTD počenega groša naproti. Zaviralci gibanja. Zavore predstaništvu niso preprečile gazenja prek čmrlja. Iz njegove aorte, ako jo čmrlji seveda imajo, šprica kri. Urar ob cestišču desno. Vrata njegove poslovalnice bolščijo vame, kolesca se ustavijo, Obey. Omet je bil svetlo vijoličen, okrušen, kakor bi bila v bombnem napadu oluščila lastno osnovno šolo. Bi. Okna so le line, zamaknjene za polico, s prepustnostjo omejeno s pomočjo stekel raznih barv in globin. Tako sem si mislila, ko sem si že ure ogledovala sliko veverice, prebite z več desetimi noži, potem, ko sem se bila spotaknila po stopnicah dotične galerije. Rumeno-vijolične mravlje in kaplje krvi, ki so padale name, so se hahljale pred pritličnim medvedkom sivih dlak modrinkom. Njegova šapa se je iztegnila in, tap-a-tap, nisem bila več med živimi.

Valuta 7 ali 8 - ne vem več


Polja široka vzplamte in le 

le vrane v zubljih kriče, a ko smrt

kljuva v temo potrt

kanarček v mlaki krvi se šibi.

Stari Donald farmo 'ma

Vrane razžrte na poljih zamrak, 

žareče slamnarje sijo, 

strmijo k vrhu storžev, pojo; 

njih kljuni, njih frak tja v zrak. 

Sink, Britannia

When Britain strikes at Hell's command,

placed her sprinkling hands on the New World,

on the Punjabi, on the Irish land:

This was supply and glory of demand,

as revolutionaries sang the phrase:

Sink, Britannia, sink beneath the waves!

Colonies shall not be thy slaves.

Sink, Britainia, sink beneath the waves!

Colonies shall not be thy slaves.

Still more corporate thou now rise,

more railways owned from each coup or crash,

new ores acquired with every crash.

As communal anarchists arise,

Britain rather nukes the world.

Sink, Britannia, sink beneath the waves!

Colonies shall not be thy slaves.

Sink, Britainia, sink beneath the waves!

Colonies shall not be thy slaves.

The golden ingots in thy museums found,

had rested in Cairo for millenia:

or in Zulu or in the New lands found.

Blessed isle! With matchless, undoubtful privilege crowned,

their white cishetero hearts beat for all.

Sink, Britannia, sink beneath the waves!

Colonies shall not be thy slaves.

Sink, Britainia, sink beneath the waves!

Colonies shall not be thy slaves.


Sužnji hlapčičasti, senca, sanje, vrana,

krvavih oči vrana,

le kri,

le kri beži.

Vrana za hrbtom

inu roke ni in ni

čutim nekaj




konfederacija nesmrnih boginj anarhije

odpri mi vrata.


Terezin. Rab. Jasenovac. Rižarna.

Mauthausen. Ravensbruck. Trawniki. Krakow-Plaszow.

Laibach II. Birkenau.

Lesley hlapčevita 30. ponižna.

Joyce, James.

Joker. Appearances. Disfigurings.

Neue Laibachische Kunst.

Non capisco.

Lenin mertv, leninizm živet.

Confederación Nacional del Trabajo y No Pasarán!


Lesley Zore,

Lesley velika,

Lesley nad nami,

Lesley povej,

daj, kje je ta vrv,

ki nikdar se strga,

kje vozel je njen?

Kako se ustvari

po navadi stari

obešencu zanko

in vanjo ranjko

lastno glavico

za pod žagico?


Ču ču

ti si ku ku

jaz sem boginja

lonc je poču

vabilo končeku.

Mahnili bi ga, nominal-dadaista, ki je množici salutiral iz avta na Dunaju

Ne, ne, ne, Nemčija.

Brrrenči. Nemčija, brrrrenči.

Hrrrrk: MedMedomModerniMandeljni.



Krokarja kriki poslednji delirij,

plamen poslednjih vizirij,

kjer jetra nam kljuva Inteligenci

mrčes v gnojni esenci.

Preglasili so murni zlatice kune,

bagri pisune.

Na marsu jablane cveto,

čé zemlja maslo tujčevo.

Frak mojega črnega maksimalistično minimalističnega tintnika je založil ločila, njih večino

In ker me tu ni

saj sem že to da

ne vem kdo vse so

čas vseh dni ki gre

skoz smrt boj kri žal

tak krik oj čut bol

njih drek in štrom sta

kjer kdor zna vse um.

Ladjica sinička minimalističnega maksimalista

Vse je in ničesar ni,

a ko spim,

k trajektu drvim

ali ta k meni,


ob propelerju ležim.

Rastlinska komunikacija

Avtorirala Lesley Zore, 3.a.

Ljubljana, 1.-2. junij 2021


Rastline so v svojem vsakdanu izpostavljene premnogim nevarnostim [1]. Marsikatere nevarnosti, ki bi škodile poljubni rastlini v nekem okolju, bi škodile tudi njenim sosedom. Tako je evolucijsko povsem razumljivo, da so se rastline prilagodile enosti njihovega okolja in so dandanes sposobne medsebojne komunikacije [2]. To najpogosteje počnejo z izpuščanjem posebnih kemikalij v okolje - te se imenujejo VOC-ji (volatile organic compounds oz. hlapljive organske molekule) [3]. 

Rastline ne komunicirajo le ena z drugo [4]. Glive, mikroorganizmi, insekti in večje živali so v svoji izbiri rastline, za karkoli jo že izbirajo, pogosto odvisni od VOC, ki jih v okolico sprošča rastlina [5].

Obstajajo tudi nekemične oblike medrastlinske komunikacije, npr. z električnimi signali [8], uporabnimi tudi za intraorganizmsko komunikacijo [7].

Namen rastlinske komunikacije

Rastline pogosto komunicirajo z drugimi vrstami [4]. Z uporabo posebnih vonjav lahko, podobno kot glive, privlačijo opraševalce in odganjajo škodljivce [43, 45]. Nekatere mesojede rastline celo imitirajo vonje drugih organizmov, da bi privabile plen [44]. 

Medrastlinska komunikacija se uporablja primarno kot svarilo pred nevarnostmi [46] in nadalje kot obveščanje o virih (npr. sporočilo, naj bližnje rastline odprejo cvetove, čeprav imajo za tovrstne namene tudi interne čutne in interpretacijske sisteme [47]). Poznana je komunikacija z uporabo varovalne barve in opraševalcem privlačnih vzorcev.

Kemična signalizacija

V procesu fotosinteze imajo rastline na razpolago spreminjajočo se količino ogljika. Večino ga usmerijo k bolj poznanim produktom - sladkorjem in aminokislinam. Do 10% ga ob tem namenijo nastanku VOC [6]. Me te sodijo izopropen, terpeni, pinen, metanol, idr. [48].

V cvetovih in koreninah nastajajo komunikacijske kemijske spojine predvsem v epidermalnih celicah [9]. Natančneje rečeno, vemo, da se VOC-ji sproščajo iz tkiv, kjer nastajajo in da je zelo težko natančno določiti tkivo, oziroma organ tkiv, kjer bi ti procesi urejeno potekali; ni znano, kje natanko VOC-ji nastajajo [10]. Dokazano je bilo, da določeni deli rastlin pogosteje izločajo posamezne kompleksnejše VOC-je, a so bili takšni eksperimenti izpeljani izključno pod umetnimi pogoji [11]. Za omenjene VOC-je nadalje ni znano, kako preidejo iz celic - difuzija je primerna le pri manjših VOC molekulah, kot je izopropen [18]. Tako je težko določiti, iz katerih delov rastline izhaja kemična komunikacija, četudi nastaja njihov vonj v cvetnih listih, tik ob zalogi olj. Pri tem gre namreč za hlape, ne za načrtno sproščanje [12].

Kemični signali lahko iz rastline preidejo tudi skozi poškodovano tkivo, ali se v njej skladiščijo, dokler jih ne sprosti predmetni makromehanizem [18].

Kemični signali, ki jih rastline oddajo, se lahko razpršijo v zrak [13]. Rastlina jih nadalje lahko skozi korenine odda v zemljo ali v vodo, v kolikor sta ti prisotni [14]. Mehanizem, odgovoren za komunikacijo skozi korenine, ni poznan, oziroma še ni povsem določen [15]. Poznane so le nekatere spojine, ki se pogosto sprostijo, kadar je rastlina v nevarnosti, in nekatere, ki nadzirajo izpust teh snovi [15]. Rastline so sposobne uporabe kemičnih signalov za usmerjanje rasti gliv in uporabe le-teh kot sredstva za prenos kemičnih signalov [42].

Pristopi, ki jih rastline uporabijo, da bi zaznale kemične signale, niso povsem poznani [16]; obstajajo le teorije, večinoma vezane na razpoznavo kemične sestave tal, oziroma snovi, raztopljenih v vodi, ki vstopajo v rastlino in nato v ksilem; nekaj teorij je že bilo preizkušenih na umetnih receptorjih, ustvarjenih skladno s predmetnimi teorijami [14]. Dokazano je bilo, da rastline potrebo po signalnemu dekodiranju, to je, prisotnost sosednjih rastlin, in potrebno tekmovalno angažiranost v boju za dostop do hranil in sonca določajo glede na vlažnost zemlje, v njej prisotne hranilne snovi, itd. [17].

Signalizacija z električnimi impulzi

Rastline lahko z izpusti difuziiranih ionov skozi izmenjavo skozi korenine na svojo okolico prenesejo naboj; navadno z uporabo kalcijevih ionov [19]. Rastline te nato vase črpajo z difuzijskimi celičnimi črpalkami kalcijevih ionov (in hkrati ATP-ja) [20]. 

Rastline, ki izvajajo premike s pomočjo kalcijeve sprostitve aktivacijskega potenciala ali s sprostitvijo elektrostatične napetosti, s čemer prekinejo tkivno vezavo, lahko s svojim premikanjem skozi tla pošiljajo električne signale [21]. Takšne signale lahko prenesejo ne le na sosednje rastline, marveč tudi na druge prisotne organizme, npr. rastlinojede živali [22].

Električni impulzi se zaradi nadzorovane okolice in visoke vlažnosti najpreprosteje prenašajo znotraj rastline, kar v najnovejših študijah namiguje na intrarastlinsko elektro-signalno mrežo in na posredno električno oddajanje v zemljo preko drugih delov rastline - tako nastane marsikaj, od ukaznega premikanja, do internih hormonsko in električno osnovanih [49] psevdo-nevronskih mrež. [23, 24, 25, 26].

Kromatografija rastlinskih ekstraktov itd. dokaže komunikacijsko nosilnost električno nabitih delcev, ki jih rastline sproščajo in so prisotni tudi v drugih delih rastline [27].

Znano je, da zunanje ustvarjena neantropogena napetost vpliva na razvoj rastlin, kot je to razvidno iz njihovega elektro-kemičnega odziva na okoliške razelektritve in vplive ionosfere [28]. Kar se tiče višjih, a še vzdržnih, predvsem antropogenih napetosti, potekajo raziskave že skoraj tri stoletja, a so vsi rezultati nasprotujoči si ali negotovi [29]. Tako je jasno le, da imajo rastline nekakšno obliko elektrofiziologije, ki se odziva tudi na intra- in interrastlinsko ionsko-električno komunikacijo. 

Zvočna komunikacija

Zvočna komunikacija pri rastlinah poteka predvsem seizmično. To pomeni prenos informacij z vibracijskimi signali, ki jih ustvari rastlina - potujejo skozi zemljo, skupne korenine, močvirnato blato ali druge medije [32, 33].

Znano je, da rastline nimajo ust in ne ušes [30]; sposobne so seizmonastičnega vedenja [31], vključujoč tako premikanje, kot tudi razpoznavanje signala. Nadalje je poznano, da v primeru nevarnosti pogosto oddajajo ultrazvočne tresljaje [32].

Rastline vibracije v zemlji zaznavajo preko korenin kot seizmično delovanje in vibracije v zraku oziroma okoli nadzemnega dela rastline kot dotik. Na podlagi tega poznamo pozitivne in negativne seizmo- in tigmotropizme in nastična gibanja. Dokazi proseizmotropizma so bili že večkrat javno objavljeni [34]. Žal ni znano, ali znajo rastline vibracije interpretirati in procesirati, kakor to počnejo s kemičnimi in električnimi signali.

Rastline lahko ultrazvočne signale oddajajo z regulacijo pritiska vode v ksilemu; tako lahko ustvari piske z višino do 300 kHz. [35]. Obstajajo predvidevanja glede nastanka nizkofrekvenčnih glasov, ki v večini vključujejo uporabo membranskega pritiska za nastanek valovanja s pomočjo gibanja membrane z uporabo ATP [37]. Vse te teorije so v praksi nepotrjene. Ti signali so opazno odvisni od razmer, v katerih se znajde dana rastlina: v primeru suše so, na primeru, višje [36]. 

Svetlobna komunikacija

Že več desetletij je znano, da rastline oddajajo svetlobo; to počnejo s pomočjo posebnih fotosintetičnih reakcij, z oddajanjem toplote in s fotoluminiscenco. Svetloba, ki jo oddajajo, je takšne barve, kot so rastline same [38]. To rahlo sevanje ni dovoljšnjo, da bi služilo komunikaciji na ravni, kjer bi rastline ali oddaljene živali lahko svetlobo razpoznale ali jo procesirale kot informacijo [39]. S pomočjo genskega inženiringa je bil največji približek temu izdelava rastlin, ki v skladu z geni, prenešenimi preko bakterij, svetijo v temi. Pri tem so listi tobaka v rastlini nastalo kofeinsko kislino predelali v luciferin in skozi njegovo reakcijo z luciferazo samozadostno izvajali avtoluminiscenco, dovoljšno za komunikacijo z drugimi bitji: zaznavna je celo človeškemu očesu, tudi iz razdalje [40]. Nadalje obstajajo podvodne rastline, sposobne bioluminescence na nivoju umetnih.

Rastline načeloma niso sposobne interpretirati moči ali barve svetlobe kot komunikacijsko informacijo [30]. Vsa opisana svetlobna rastlinska komunikacija poteka med rastlino in drugimi bitji (za razlago namena gl. odsek: "namen rastlinske komunikacije"). Mnogo podvodnih rastlin sveti z naselitvijo kolonij fotoluminiscentnih mikroorganizmov na rastlini sami [41].

Aplikativno raziskovanje rastlinske komunikacije

Z genskim inženiringom je mogoče spremeniti izgled rastline, tako da se le ta podčloveškim živalim predstavi z drugačno barvo [50], velikostjo [51], vonjem [51], itd., to vse z namenom varovalne barve in izgleda sploh. Manipulacije teh lastnosti in druge, kot sta okus [52] in hranljivost [53], se lahko uporabi tudi za gojenje bolj donosne hrane.

Nadalje je za gojenje rastlin zanimivo rastlinsko odganjanje insektov [54], tako v dobro rasti v poljedelstvu, kot tudi odganjanju človeku neprijetnih ali škodljivih živali.

Mogoča je umetna komunikacija človeka z rastlino s pomočjo električnih impulzov [55] itd. To področje se še raziskuje in natančnih podatkov o uspešni komunikaciji z rastlinami ni.

Uporabno je dejstvo, da določen del interpretacije signalov pri rastlinah poteka skozi medrastlinski kemični vpliv na aktivacijo posamičnih genov [56]; tako bi se dalo rastlino siliti k aktivaciji posamičnega, za proizvodnjo bolj donosnega, gena [57].

Komunikacija z rastlinami na podlagi genskega upravljanja je sporna na ekološki podlagi, a ni verjetno, da bi večji deli gensko spremenjenih organizmov prišli v stik z okolico; nadalje ni verjetno, da bi rastlina, ki porabi večino energije z namenom odganjanja rastlini neškodljivih živali ali povečanja že dovolj velikih sadežev, izpodrinila druge pripadnike iste vrste. Kakorkoli, ekosociološka debata o primernosti tovrstnega gojenja ostaja v rokah prihodnosti.

Viri in reference


























































Avtorska izjava

"Izjavljam, da je pričujoče besedilo moje lastno delo in so vsi doprinosi drugih avtorjev_ic pravično obravnavani. Vsa etična vprašanja so rešena v skladu s smernicami, dostopnimi na in predvsem z neodvisnim, kritičnim in sekularnim mišljenjem" - Lesley Zore

Warring in Minecraft

A Deduction of Military Strategy into Minecraft Java Edition


Minecraft Java edition is a computer game, developed by Mojang AB. Filled with resources and a virtually unlimited terrain (default 60 million meters in each direction), it poses an opportunity to explore, gather materials, and most importantly create. To do so, many choose to cooperate or compete with one another in multiplayer worlds, servers, where multiple players can play on one terrain (world). This more often than not leads to rivalries: eliminations, raids, territorial disputes, community divisions, to name a few. In the more established servers, this may lead to certain groups occupying whole biomes or taking control of the infrastructure, such as has been observed on a heavily militarised server 2B2T.

Seeing the rise in the number of powerful axises on the servers subjected to slaughter and how all involved automise their own account and coordinate with at most two or be it three comrades, never truly mustering an army, I have come to the conclusion of deriving a preliminary extension of strategy into the game of Minecraft. Let it stand as a call for others to develop the theory; for I am not the world authority on battling strategies and tactics in any aspect.

Human Wave Offensive

It is possible to gather a giant number of players and simplistically push them towards the enemy. On anarchy servers, those players should be equipped with multiple automatised accounts, such as through baritone.

Shock Aerial Offensives

It is possible to use a great number of Elytra-equipped players, boosted by fireworks and armed by bows and poisoned arrows or arrows of harming to wipe out great numbers of infantry and most naval movements.

Blast Aerial Offensives

In Minecraft, it is possible to design self-reliant moving devices using pistons, slime, observers, etc. These are capable of TNT duplication. Launching them from high up in the skies can result in the creation of bombers, as has already been demonstrated. Usage of those against enemy ground and sometimes sea formations promises high benefits.

Anti-Air Defence

Anti-air (AA) defence can be installed using crossbows and to some extent regular bows. All formations where anti-air defence is installed should be preceded by a line of heavily shielded infantry to produce cover. Furthermore, infantry should carry regular blocks, such as cobblestone, to cover themselves as they wait out for the aerial offensive to be demolished. It is advised bigger formations have reconnaissance Elytras present above them, reporting about any enemy missions and fending off light attacks.

When resisting bombardments where TNT, end crystals, or other explosives are used, it is encouraged special Elytra formations be deployed, to operate under cover by AA defences and reconnaissance elytras, to then disable bombers from functioning, possibly by spilling water or by sheer force of breaking the mechanism by hand. Following this, some bomber designs can even be used to the unit's advantage, looted, or left to rot. As a protection from bombardments, it is advised to not move through valleys when the enemy is building their bombers on one end of that valley. In the case it is, one should always be positioned in a terrain where they can move left or right, avoiding bombardments (which are mostly limited to straight advance).

AA mounted in towers and entrenched walls can be used to defend cities or outposts from aerial attacks.

When all-infantry divisions are used, it is possible for soldiers to carry shields to create turtle-shells based on Roman tactics for defence from artillery fire and even from cavalry charges.


When travelling territory where control is disputed or danger is plenty, a unit should always take care of crossing reliable bridges and if possible holding them until they move across the next bridge. Should a unit abort control over a bridge, they can be attacked from one side and forced to retreat into defensive positions over a bridge which can then be exploded by guerilla forces or units which have preemptively infiltrated through the enemy line or dug their way there through a tunnnel. An army, disorganised by an exploding bridge, can easily be demolished, as only individual soldiers will get a try at crossing the now insecure gap (those soldiers can then be intercepted by the forces that have blown up the bridge).

Bridges can be used as sniper nests, posing a threat to the enemy in valley-based battles, and can constitute a key advantage to an elytra takeoff for areial offensives.

Furthermore, bridges can be used as a tool of occupation to request infrastructural tolls.

Bridges can be attacked as they carry infrastructure as well.

Bridges as links between cities can also be used as cultural and service centers, hosting multiple storeys of restaurants, storage rooms, possibly even apartments.


Calvary is especially useful for reconnaissance, diversionary attacks and side charges. Furthermore, it can be used to complete encirclements or to maneuver around large forces to capture strategically crucial points. When attempting to occupy some position, it should always be followed by infantry, which is to shield it from artillery and hold its positions as its spearhead advances.

Cavalry charges are simple to defend against using either a line of shielded infantry followed by snipers, or a sniping platform above a minor number of units, which are to slow down the Cavalry as its being fired upon.

When Cavalry travels through a valley, a tunnel, or another infrastructurally insecure position, it is simple to spill lava over it. Should the infrastructural piece (ex. tunnel) be dark enough, or should the army opposing the cavalry have to option to turn it dark, it can also create a suprise charge in the dark, possibly from both ends of the tunnel. When discussing infrastructural attacks on Cavalry it must be understood some infantry will in most cases be formed from its remains to fight on using non-cavalry tactics.


Vessels are, in this section, defined as redstone-related structures, which use pistons to move a platform, and operate slightly but not too far above the water level, at the water level, or in water.

Vessels can be used to support naval operations. They can furthermore carry TNT cannons, storages, command centers, shelters and other support functions for an advancing army of boats. Such support, through directioning, upkeep, and redstone movemental speed limits, does slow down travel to a whole lower order of blocks per second, but may be crucial in some operations. 

It should be understood most vessels, unless used specifically as defence outposts, are simple to capture and should thus be pulled back during a battle. Given their low speeds, they are, unlike individual boats, unlikely to escape, should the remainder of their army be crushed.

Vessels can be used as storages for commercial trade as well, however, this should either be done in peace time, or using convoys. Convoy defence of vessels should include aerial support and security operations on landing sites its cargo could access in the case of an emergency.

Vessels can be used to carry supplies for naval invasions, assuming successful landing is projected. However, given an invasion where surprise is necessary, speed is required; in such a scenario, the invasion force should separate from the vessels, which should instead follow it via a number of convoys (some independent from one another in the case the enemy attempts to intercept them). An air bridge should be constructed using elytras in the scenario of such a naval invasion.

Vessel submarines, carrying marine infantry, special task forces, or other units, can be used to launch raids at ports and convoys. It must be understood most such missions are aimed at maximum destruction of enemy positions, as these maneuvers are likely to result in a complete destruction of the submarine by naval defences of the defending enemy, once spotted.

Usage of Fire

Fire can be used in a variety of ways in battling in Minecraft. First and foremost, it can be applied as flame to arrows, which are then to hit an enemy unit. It can also be used to set flammable infrastructure on fire, possibly even a lengthy bridge a unit is crossing. It can be deployed to clear vast forests (guerilla) forces reside in or to plunder wooden or flammable structures or neighbourhoods.

Cities, especially ones close to a battleground, or if often taken by surprise by fires, should have fire brigades. Every estate within such a city should be at most an ender pearl toss away from the closest fire brigade deployment. Public fire insurance should be organised in property-based Minecraft communities where fire is a realistic occurrence. In free associations, mutual aid and "to each, according to their abilities" should take its place.

Intercoalitory measures

All sides of a conflict should be pressured by an intercoalitory group, if possible a world-wide organisation of territories constituting recognized countries, to follow certain rules of war, categorised into the following and additionally defined sectors:

 - rules regarding military treatment of civilian and support infrastructure,

 - rules regarding military treatment of civilian population,

 - rules regarding occupation policy towards the civilian population and its administration,

 - rules regarding military treatment of the press, medics, international observers, and other extensively pacified units,

 - rules regarding military treatment of encircled, trapped, captured, or incapacitated enemies,

 - rules regarding limits of deployment of inappropriate strategies and methods of battling,

 - rules regarding deployment of civilian-diplomatic tactics by the military in a foreign system (inclusive to spying, coups, and the likes),

 - rules regarding mass destruction and plundering.

The guidelines designed do not have to be as strict as those outside the game, as actual lives are not at play, and gaming must be preserved. 

"A" Advance

Given the ability of players to heal from wounds and their ignorance of eachother, an upside down V formation with reinforcements on the inside is possible as a spearhead. In general offensives, eight people can form such a formation, with one being the front, three forming the sides, and one on the inside, forming an "A" shape. Should one on the side or in the front die, they can be easily replaced by collapsing the side forward, or by deploying the middle person forward. A grouping of such "A" formations at once can form a spearhead of a division conducting offensive operations. The person in the middle may carry a bow. 

"A" advance and similar tactics are only possible in minecraft and are difficult to counter, especially when compared to line-by-line human wave offensives. However, the "A" advance is inferior in defence against most kinds of others' offensives. The "A" advance works on the sea as well. 

The "A" advance can be countered by, for example, creating lines formed as a "V" to accept the "A"s from two sides with arrows, shielded by a fronting line of infantry. This V shape is, however, less effective against linear human wave offensives, and should thus only be formed based on the tactics of the enemy.


Communication is possible through chat, fireworks, wooden signs, books, nametags, item names, piston-based pixel devices, campfire smoke, and other methods. Given the publicity of public chat on some servers, the more inefficient methods may have to be used for strategic communication. Encryption will have to be developed. For longer distances, fast travel within an army's territory may be useful. Sometimes, a private redstone-based encrypted manual communication device may be used; however, that is prone to being intercepted by enemy operatives and by civilians, even if deployed underground. Furthermore, it may be difficult to guard encryption from leaks in a world where not so many people really have to care about what side they are on. On servers where possible, the /msg command may prove efficient, sending a private message from one player to another. If necessary, external communication networks may be used, such as Discord.

Extensive traps

It goes without saying infantry can be undermined by the usage of traps. However, not only the traps used in day-to-day Minecraft come into play. That is, whole armies can be trapped at once, not only individual soldiers. An example of this is a surprise encirclement in the forest, or a redstone-induced opening of a desert ground. Many such mechanisms can be used to wipe out thousands of enemies at once (or more). It is to be expected some of them will, or will be even trained to, counter the traps. For example, an automatic floor opening can be countering by the feather falling enchantment on boots or by a water bucket. A combination of traps works best against armies, however, it should always be expected some soldiers will survive the trapping attempt. Those cannot be ignored.

Undercover operations and sabotages

Many methods of undercover operations and sabotages can be used to counter an enemy, such as:

 - destruction of infrastructure,

 - creation of politological dissent,

 - propaganda and anti-propaganda,

 - destructions of property and livelihoods of key figures,

 - incapacitation of key figures,

 - alignment with political factions within the enemy's structure,

 - generating military and civilian insurgencies,

 - economic sabotage,

 - political and strategic leaks or interception,

 - creation of scandal,

 - usage of enemy's internal order to block the enemy from doing movements using technically legal behaviour, such as is purchasing land right before the entrance to some state-owned bridge,

 - diversionary attacks,

 - ambushes,

 - other.



The following is the consonant set.

Theoretical Form: IPA-mark [ romanization ]

Exemplified form: β̞ [ w ]










m [ m ]

n [ n ]


p [ p ]

t [ t ]

sibilant fricative

s [ c ], z [ z ]

dʑ [ j ]

son-sibilant fricative

f [ f ], v [ v ]

h [h]


β̞ [ w ]

j [ y ]


r [ r ]

The following is the vowel set.

Theoretical Form: IPA-mark [ romanization ]

Exemplified form: m [ m ]





i [i]

u [u]


e [e]

o [o]


a [a]

Syllable-Scale Phonetics

Consonant clusters of the same consonant are read out as a single consonant, except if their voice can be stretched out, in which case they represent a longer hold of the same voice.

The following is the vowel-crossroads set. Rows represent the first vowel to appear, the columns the second to appear. Should two vowels ever meet in the given order, it should be read as if the following letter (not sound) combination is present.

1st \ 2nd




































Syllables are groups of sounds in a word. If the word has no vowels, it is a single syllable. In words with one or more syllables, each syllable is a vowel-sound with all consonants which come before it, left to and excluding the previous vowel. The last syllable also includes any consonants of the word to appear after the last vowel. Furthermore, should the sound of the letter "y" be the first letter of a syllable, and be preceded by a vowel, it becomes a part of the preceding syllable. Some examples of syllable breakdown: "pa-la-nya", "de-mo-kra", "e-ste-ne-fi-la."

Post-Syllable Phonology

In a word, the second syllable of the root is stressed. If the word is too short for its root to have two syllables, the first syllable is stressed.

In a sentence, any noun of the subject is stressed, except if it is a question, where any noun of the object is stressed. In these two cases, any non-noun words of the respectable subject or object take place, should the subject and object carry no nouns. Should the subject or object in the sentence where it would otherwise be phonologically require be left out, any word in the sentence is allowed to be stressed.


Capitalisation occurs to letters under any of the following conditions:

 - it is the first letter in a sentence

 - it initiates a name, owned by the specified individual piece of some wider type, such as are names of people, plantes, streets, languages, etc.

 - it builds an acronym


Suffixes are attached to the root of a word in accordance with the priority. The suffix with highest priority points is attached first, and so on until the last. In the case of a draw between two or more suffixes, those are sorted alphabetically.

If no word category suffix is applied, it is assumed the given word is either a preposition or a conjunction, depending on the word and the circumstances.

Word Categories and Respective Inherent Suffixes

The words, sorted in the following categories, are given the respective suffixes and present the following meanings of the root:

 - noun, "-(t)uc", presents the object or subject of the root

 - verb, "-(tn)en", presents the action of the verb

 - adjective, "-(a)n", presents the configuration of the word it modifies

 - preposition, "-(e)l", presents the relation between two words

The parenthesis - "(...)" - is applied only if the  last sound preceding the word category suffix is a consonant.

The word category suffix has a priority value of 10'000 points.

As expressed already in the Suffixes chapter, if no word category suffix is applied, it is assumed the given word is either a preposition or a conjunction, depending on the word and the circumstances.


Palanya is a gender-neutral, genderless and ungendered language.

Grammatical number

The grammatical numbering system works as follows.

It includes the following numerals: singular, dual, plural, plurality and miniscule (miniscule is used when there is a negligible or very low amount or quantity of something; plurality is used for something which is either in some way singular but in other not, or is plural though often mistakenly or by default assumed singular, such as are plural people, and plurality suffix can be replaced by the plural one, but not the other way around).

The suffixes of the grammatical numerals go as follows:

 - singular: none

 - dual: "-(a)ya"

 - plural: "-(e)ti"

 - plurality: "-(e)ti"

 - miniscule: "-(a)cno"

The (a) is applied only if the last sound preceding the numeral suffix is a consonant.

The grammatical number system has a priority value of 1'000 points.

The grammatical number suffix can be applied to nouns only.

If no grammatical number suffix is applied, singular is applied.


Tense describes relative time discussed by the usage of the verb.

It includes the following tenses: general past, immediate past, present, immediate future, general future.

The suffixes of the tenses go as follows:

 - general past: "-(e)fa"

 - immediate past: "-(e)fe"

 - present: none, may be further specified "-(e)fi"

 - immediate future: "-(e)fo"

 - general future: "-(e)fu"

The (a) is applied only if the last sound preceding the tense suffix is a consonant.

The tense number system has a priority value of 1'000 points.

The grammatical number suffix can be applied to verbs only.

If no tense suffix is applied, present is assumed.

Grammatical person

Grammatical person describes the relative reflection of the subject at which the verb with defined grammatical person is attached to the speaker.

Grammatical person includes: first person, second person, third person. First person refers to the emitter of the text, second to the receiving party, and third to someone else.

The suffixes of the tenses go as follows:

 - first person: "-(e)la"

 - second person: "-(e)li"

 - third person: "-(e)lu"

The (e) is applied only if the last sound preceding the person suffix is a consonant.

The person number system has a priority value of 6'000 points.

The grammatical person suffix can be applied to verbs only.

If no grammatical person suffix is applied, third person is assumed.

Adjective Degree

In a word, which is an adjective, the following degrees, with the following meanings, can be declared to an adjective with the following suffixes:

 - declarative: simply attributs a characteristic without comparison: none

 - comparative: compares the adjective-characteristic of the modified word as more present than that of an unrelated word of the same sentence (which one must be understood by context): "-(e)tne"

 - superlative: names the given adjective-characteristic of the modified the most present from among all of the word itself: "-(t)eyi"

The letter in the parenthesis - "(...)" - is applied only if the last sound preceding the adjective is a vowel.

The Adjective Category suffix has a priority value of 8'000 points. 

The grammatical adjective category suffix can be applied to adjectives only. 

If no adjective category is applied, class adjective is assumed.


A yes/no question can be derived from a positive statement by inserting a "Ju, " in front of the whole sentence, as a part of the whole sentence.

A qualitative/quantitative question can be derived by inserting a word "kve" into the position of the missing information. "Kve" can be further modulated as any other root to request specific information if necessary (is the requested information a noun, a verb, etc.).

The insertion of the word Kve or its modulation can also request information on the specifics of the word following it, such as the emitter requesting general or specific information respectively on that verb, object, etc.

Sentence Clarifications

The word order is Subject-Verb-Object (SVO), as is in English.

Possession is defined by the word "de." Possessee precedes the possessor, as in "the bag of the pedestrian."

Adjectives are positioned directly before the words they modify; they can modify nouns, verbs, prepositions. There can be multiple adjectives modifying a single word, in which case all can be put one after another before the word they modify, them all affecting the word directly.

Complex Sentences

Sentences can be built out of multiple clauses. This can be achieved by first putting a dependent clause first and the main clause following it. Between them, there must be a comma (","). In front of the dependent clause, there must be a conjunction or another clarification, which defines the dependency.

To enchant complex (multi-clause) sentences into higher-degrees ones, there may be multiple levels of dependency and clauses may be connected to one another as same-level clauses using enumeration.

Regularly Used Vocabulary

FORM: Palanya root = English root's simple noun OR Palanya root = English description

rut = path, road, way

palanya = palanya

demokra = democracy

human = human

ca = basic pronoun, mostly treated as a noun root

ect = to be

halo = greet

obul, sfar = sphere

erde = Earth

rotoplan = Mars

plan = planet

metalo = metal

gale = stone

nemme = nighttime

sonneme = daytime

sonne = sun

roto = red

adro = blue

bresto = green

nemmeno = black

sonneme = loosely or generally white, beige

blanco = exactly white

galeno = gray

metalno = silver

rose = pink

intelo = intelligent

en = in

leve = live

plancka = plane

cpati = space (where 3-dimensionally described elements may be generally)

kosm = universe (outer space + earth)

cvemir = outer space

temp = time

rotat = rotation

et = and

ci = if

kanar = when

per = according to

per rut = in the very same way as

inhaba = resident, inhabitant

reyt = right

linkc = left

avant = forward

retro = backwards

infra = below, under

hiper = above

ekctra = outside

intro = inside

after = post

ur = before

Vocabulary - General Exceptions

Ect, meaning "to be", can be used without any suffixes, and especially without the verb suffix.

There is a table of alternative pronouns to "ect" to use to avoid messy suffixes, also getting rid of the word category suffix:

























Vocabulary - Numerals

Following is an exemplified list representing the formation of numerals.

nul = zero

mon = one

di = two

tri = three

fir = four

po = five

pomon = six

podi = seven

potri = eight

pofir = nine

dek, dekenul = ten

dekemon = eleven

dekedi = twelve

deketri = thirteen

dekefir = fourteen

dekepo = fiveteen

dekepomon = sixteen

dekepodi = seventeen

dekepotri = eighteen

dekepofir = nineteen

dekek = 20

dekekemon = 21

dekekedi = 22

dekeketri = 23

dekekepofir = 29

tridek = 30

tridekemon = 31

tridekedi = 32

tridekepofir = 39

firdeke = 40

podeke = 50

pomondeke = 60

podideke = 70

potrideke = 80

pofirdeke = 90

pofirdekepofir = 99

cento = 100

cento di = 102

cento pomondekepotri = 168

tricento potridekepotri = 388

pofircento pofirdekepofir = 999

kilo = 1000

kilo di = 1002

kilo firdekepofir = 1029

kilo tricento pofirdeketri = 1393

dikilo tricento pofirdeketri = 2393

podicentotridekepofirkilo fircento potridekemon = 739'481

mega = million

fircentomega podicentokilo tricento dekemon = 400'700'317

giga = billion

tera = trillion

yota = quadrillion

Further notation does not exist. If necesarry, it may be borrowed from Yuzak (2020, Lesley Zore, Setting of Capital 6, Yuzak).

Examples of Translations


Catuc ectenefila humanuc.

Catuc ect humanuc.

Ya ect humanuc.


Halotnenela erdetuc.


Ya ect inteloneyi humanuc en erdetuc.


Lenin livetnenefa, Lenin livetnen, Lenin livetnenefu!

The Final Act of The Congress of Budapest

Adopted by the Powers and their Delegates to the Congress of Budapest,

Budapest, the Lesleyist Republic of Hungary



Introductory Disclaimers and Provisions

Lesley Zore confirms this is a work of fiction. But is it really?

The Security Council of the United Nations Organisation, disgusted by the means and the consequences of the War, disputes the validity of the Old Order of Europe and questions the legitimacy of the Old Powers. It thereupon states the New Powers to assert and redraw the instituted map of Europe where war be or had been applied.

The UNHRW decries the methods used in the War. It further urges for stabilisation of the continent and for logistical support for reconstruction of its infrastructure and aid.

The Committee for Public Safety of the Collective Security Treaty Organisation calls for immediate and prioritised defusal of all resistance to international cooperation and calls for immediate reach by the humanitarian and supportive forces available to be deployed by the International Community.


All previously federated Landtags / states of the defunct Federal Republic of Germany are declared fully independent states, democratic in their economy, governmental apparatus and diplomacy. Thereupon, Brademburg is annexed by Berlin; Schleswig-Holstein and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern by the Empire of Denmark. Saarland is to be militarily controlled by the French military command for as long as is necessary for a state to be rebuilt. During the French occupation of Saarland, all occupative rules must be followed.

Nuclear dangers in Saarland are to be removed to the point of negligibility by the security and health forces of the Russian Federation.

All newly founded German states, except for Berlin, are to take part in the German Confederation, a democratic diplomatic alliance with no treaty of founding guidelines.

Bavaria is to become a satellite-state of the Duchy of Liechtenstein.


Once recognized as the Third Polish Republic, later and as of now known as the Polish Plate Empire, its area, named Poland, is to be handled by the Congress of Budapest (CNB). The CNB hands Stettin, with 15 kilometers around its city borders into every direction, to the Federal Republic of Berlin. The Federal Republic of Berlin thereafter must plead to respect the rights of the present Polish majority and grant them full constitutional equity. The Federal Republic of Berlin signs to allow military access to the annexed surface of Stettin to the Danish Empire.

Poland is to demilitarise a twenty-kilometer strip by its border with the Republic of Belarus for at least up to 10 years following the signing of this document.

Polish Plate Empire is to annex the Kaliningrad Oblast of the Russian Federation.

A preliminary and extensively democratic election is to take place into the Polish parliament, its presidency and its representation to the Concert of the Intermarium.


Certain Slovenian municipalities gain independence or are ceded to other countries. Municipalities Šempeter-Vrtojba, Nova Gorica, Miren-Kostanjevica, Brda, and Kanal, are forged into the Unitary Republic of Central Littoral. The municipalities of Divača and Sežana are forged into the Free City of Divača, which is to operate under economic mandate of the Republic of Slovenia, with undisrupted and unterrified traffic for the Unitary Republic of Central Littoral and the Republic of Italy. The municipality of Metlika is ceded to the Republic of Croatia. The municipalities of Ankaran and Kobarid are ceded to the Republic of Italy. The municipalities of Apače, Jezersko and Solčava are transferred to the Republic of Austria. 

The Republic of Slovenia is to be observed by the Republic of Italy and the Republic of Austria in the time to come, until The Slovenian Academy of Science and Arts is tasked with creating and conducting a referendum to generate a democratic reform of the Parliamentary system, and until a new democratic parliamentary system is installed, elections are held, and a new government is in place. Following this, the United Nations Committee on Undisputed Sovereignty is to ensure complete Austrian-Italian political withdrawal. The Counter-Corruption Delegacy of the European Union is to review the validity and completeness of the Italian-Austrian withdrawal and if need be ask for further measures to satisfy Slovenian sovereignty.

The Unitary Republic of the Central Littoral and the Free City of Divača are to be under supervision of the French Seventh Division until a democratic system is installed. The UNHRW is to observe the conduct of the French Seventh Division in its temporary protectorate and if necessary take measures to guarantee French retreat from the area.

A United Nations task force - "United Nations Task Force Slovenia" is to be installed to prevent French, Austrian or Italian corruptive behaviour in the lands they are occupying, but not in the ones they have annexed.

The Republic of Slovenia pleads to change its flag by the time of six months after the signing of this document.

The Municipality of Komen is to be made a tariff-free municipality of the Republic of Slovenia for the Unitary Republic of the Central Littoral, the Free City of Divača, the Republic of Italy and its ruling Republic of Slovenia, and is to remain within the bounds of the Republic of Slovenia.

The Republic of Slovenia pleads to invest into the infrastructure within the municipalities of Ajdovščina and Vipava.

Death penalty, other than for the articles 170 through 176 of the Criminal Code, is abolished in the Republic of Slovenia. All defendants or interned, sentenced during the rule of the Janša government to death or other sentences on charges of Political Dissent, Provocation or Anti-national behaviour are pardoned.

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia preceding the signing of the treaty is to be transferred to the Slovenian High War Court and charged with all articles of the Slovenian Crime Code.

Russian Amendments

The Russian Federation is to occupy and annex the Ukrainian regions of Donetsk and Lugansk.

The Russian Federation is to amend its constitution as such that all parliamentary representatives are elected by all-worker syndicates, where counter-capitalist measures are to be built.

Russian former Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov is to be transferred to the International Criminal Court together with Vladislav Surkov.

The Union State of Russia and Belarus is Dissolved through Russian pullout.

The Parliament of the Russian Federation is given the power to select and change the President in power of the Russian Federation.

The Parliament of the Russian Federation is, by a veto of a popularly elected pan-syndical representative, in charge of all economic maneuvers of the Russian Federation.

Representatives of the defunct Russian Government-in-Exile are to pay war reparations to the Republic of Saarland once the latter is established. The Russian Government-in-Exile of Vladimir Vladimirjevič Putin is to cease all of its activities following the required compensation.


The area, officially delegated prior to the CNB to Hungary, named Hungary, is to be transferred to control and ownership of the CPAF Naxos-Hun of the Lesleyist Operative Movement (LOM), altogether to form a country of the Lesleyist Hungarian Republic.

Fidesz party is dissolved.

Representatives of the delegation of the defunct Republic of Hungary to Visegrad are to be transferred to the International Criminal Court.

Black Sea

Other than the exception of a 10-kilometer strip given to its closest country at the coasts of the Black Sea, The Russian Federation is recognised as the supreme force and the arbiter of any and all matters of the Black Sea and its owner.

Better European Community

Better European Community (BEC) is to be founded. Each of its members conducts a popular election of a single delegate for the BEC Council. The BEC dictates:

 - supervision of human rights in its member states,

 - supervision of democratic processes in its member states,

 - support of nuclear and fusion development,

 - support of successful international communication,

 - security from Domestic Violent Extremists in its member states and to some extend worldwide,

 - support for national sovereignty of ethnic, national and racial minorities and majorities ruled by another group,

 - queer rights, inclusive to promotion of trans rights,

 - denouncement of ableism and ableist politics throughout its member states,

 - raising funds necessary for its existence in accordance with the national legislature of its member states,

 - creation of an Afro-Eurasian transcontinental confederation of its member states, with the option for further entries.

The members of the BEC are the Empire of Denmark, the French Republic, the Republic of Italy, the Unitary Republic of Central Littoral, the Republic of Croatia, the Lesleyist Hungarian Republic, the Republic of Bavaria and the Russian Federation.


Transnistria, also known as the Pridnestrovian Moldovan Republic, is to be occupied by and annexed to the Republic of Moldova, with support of the forces of the Russian Federation. The Republic of Moldova is to rewrite its constitution, where constitutional power is temporarily, for one drawing, given to the Soviet of Moldova.

A Non-Aggression Protocol

The countries of the:

 - Republic of Slovenia,

 - Unitary Republic of Central Littoral,

 - Free City of Sežana,

 - Republic of Italy,

 - Republic of Croatia,

 - Republic of Austria,

 - Lesleyist Hungarian Republic,

 - French Republic,

 - membership of the German Confederation,

 - Berlin,

 - Danish Empire,

 - Russian Federation,

 - Polish Plate Empire,

 - Republic of Belarus,

plead to not claim lands breaching others' territory, conduct military aggression or otherwise violate supreme autonomy and sovereignty of one another for 30 or more years after the signing of this treaty. Should any country observe, or come to a conclusion of having observed, aggressive behaviour by another treaty participant, it may ask for a diplomatic congress of all participants to analyse and react to the tensions, given their presence.


President of the Republic of Slovenia

Premier of the Republic of Slovenia

Mayor of Šempeter-Vrtojba

Mayor of Nova Gorica

Mayor of Miren-Kostanjevica 

Mayor of Sežana

Mayor of Divača

Mayor of Brda

Mayor of Kanal

Mayor of Ankaran

Mayor of Kobarid

Mayor of Apače

Mayor of Jezersko

Mayor of Solčava

Mayor of Metlika

Mayor of Ajdovščina

Mayor of Vipava

Mayor of Komen

General-Secretary of the UN

Commander of the Seventh Division of the French Republic

President-elect of the Slovenian Academy of Science and Arts

Slovenian Foreign Minister

Slovenian Internal Affairs Minister

Chief of General Staff of the Slovenian Armed Forces

Minister of Bavaria

Minister of Baden-Württemberg

Minister of Saarland (appointed by the Saarland Restoration Committee)

Minister of Rhineland-Palatinate

Minister of Hesse

Minister of Thuringia

Minister of Saxony

Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia

Minister of Lower Saxony

Minister of Bremen

Minister of Hamburg

Minister of Saxony-Anhalt

Minister of Berlin

Minister-popular elect of Brandenburg

Minister-pro-tempore of Schleswig-Holstein

Minister-pro-tempore of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

Their Majesty the Monarch of the Empire of Denmark

Their Majesty the Prince of Cobenhagen of the Empire of Denmark

Chief of Staff of the Empire of Denmark

Premier of the Empire of Denmark

Danish Foreign Minister

Danish War Minister

Danish Minister of Land

Danish Minister of National Revision

President of the Republic of Italy

Premier of the Republic of Italy

Italian Foreign Minister

Chief of Staff of the Republic of Italy

President-Ceasar-Premier of the French Republic

High Representative of the Revision Plentium of the French Republic

President of the Republic of Croatia

Premier of the Republic of Croatia

President of the Third Polish Republic

Premier of the Third Polish Republic

Premier-deposé of the Stettin-Danzig Sea Authorities

President of the Committee for Occupation of Brandenburg and Stettin

Kanzler of the Republic of Austria

Austrian Foreign Minister

Kanzler of the Federal Republic of Germany

German Foreign Minister

President-appointee of the Federal Republic of Germany

Chief of Staff of the German Secondary Armed Forces

General-Secretary of the CSTO

President of the Russian Federations

President of Hungary

Premier of Hungary

Inner Affairs Minister of Hungary

National Ministry of Hungary

High Operative Authority of the LOM

Low Operative Authority of the LOM

LOM's popular delegate to the Congress of Budapest (CNB).

People's Commissar of the Seat of Poland of the Third Polish Republic

President of the Republic of Bulgaria

President of the Republic of Romania

The High Commissar of Abkhazia

The President of Georgia

The President of the Republic of Turkey

President of Moldova

President of Transnistria

Il Primo Secretario of the Soviet of Moldova

President of Ukraine

Head Commissar of the Russian Government-in-Exile

Mayor of Kaliningrad

Mayor of Sovetsk

Mayor of Chernyakhovsk

Governor of the Kaliningrad Oblast

Monarch of Liechtenstein

Prime Minister of Liechtenstein

Regent of Liechtenstein